August 22, 2005

US Rep. Charlie Rangel touting phony slave document

US Congresscritter Charles Rangel (Moonbat-NY) is waving around a supposed document that links the source of the "destruction of the black family" to a single English man who visited Virginia in the 18th century.

"In 1712, British slave owner Willie Lynch was invited to the colony of Virginia to teach his methods of keeping slaves under control to American slave owners," Mr. Rangel says. "Almost 300 years later, the techniques that he prescribed seem to have not only been successful in controlling slaves, but lasting as a means of weakening and destroying the black family."

Mr. Rangel explains that in slavery, "families were purposely divided, with husband and wives separated from each other and their children. Black males were humiliated and whipped in front of their wives and children. Stripped of their power and pride, black men were seen as weak, and black women had to be the strength of the household, distorting the traditional family structure."

One problem, Charlie -- the document is fake; the story is an urban legend.

Spelman history professor Jelani Cobb notes as much.

"There are many problems with this document -- not the least of which is the fact that it is absolutely fake," explains Jelani Cobb, a professor of history at Atlanta's Spelman College.

"In the few years since the speech on how to train slaves first appeared, it has been cited by countless college students, a black member of the House of Representatives and become the essential verbal footnote in barbershop analysis of what's wrong with black people," the historian writes on his Web site.

Detailing evidence of the Lynch letter's falsehood, Mr. Cobb notes that this document was unknown to historians before its appearance on the Web:

"Considering the limited number of extant sources from the 18th century, if this speech had been 'discovered' it would've been the subject of incessant historical panels, scholarly articles and debates. It would literally be a career-making find. But the letter was never 'discovered,' but rather it 'appeared' -- bypassing the official historical circuits and making its way via Internet directly into the canon of American racial [conspiracy theories]."

Congressman Rangel needs to take a closer look at the past, and more particularly how Johnson's "Great Society" stripped the black man out of the household of many lower-incomed black families. That certainly isn't the only cause, but it is a large one.

Then, an even larger question -- and one that needs to be addressed by people on both sides of the political aisle, is how to rectify that problem.

I don't have a be-all, end-all answer to that question. As a matter of fact, I'm certain that there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to that problem.

However, I am convinced that there are merits to points of view from both sides of the aisle. And I'm also convinced that those of us on the conservative side have much to contribute to the set of overall solutions...provided we can continue to open the floor to conversation and honest consideration.

Posted by: mhking at 12:56 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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SLC TV station rejects Sheehan anti-Bush ad

The moonbat group that protest queen Cindy Sheehan founded, Gold Star Families for Peace tried to put their "bash Bush" television spot on all the stations in the Salt Lake City market as a prelude to President Bush's appearance there this afternoon.

"Tried" is the operative word there.

Clear Channel-owned ABC affiiliate KTVX refused to air the ad, calling it possibly "offensive" to local residents.

The advertisement was rejected by KTVX Channel 4 because of the content, according to a statement from general manager David D'Antuono. The ad has been running throughout the weekend on KSL, KUTV and KSTU.

"Upon viewing the spot the management of KTVX felt that the controversial content could very well be offensive to our community in Utah which has contributed more than its fair share of fighting soldiers, and suffered significant loss of life in this Iraq war," D'Antuono said.

D'Antuono said that the decision was made by local management and not influenced by station owner Clear Channel Communication, whose executives donate heavily to Republicans. The management also did not place any prohibitions on coverage of the advertisement's rejection by its news team.

Good for them! I'm glad to hear that there are stations who don't glom on to each and every single ad that comes their way.

Posted by: mhking at 09:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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And this is what passes for "news" among the wire services?

A new UPI report is claiming that the "public version" of the capture of deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussain is not what "really happened."

Ex-Sgt. Nadim Abou Rabeh, of Lebanese descent, was quoted in the Saudi daily al-Medina Wednesday as saying Saddam was actually captured Friday, Dec. 12, 2003, and not the day after, as announced by the U.S. Army.

"I was among the 20-man unit, including eight of Arab descent, who searched for Saddam for three days in the area of Dour near Tikrit, and we found him in a modest home in a small village and not in a hole as announced," Abou Rabeh said.

"We captured him after fierce resistance during which a Marine of Sudanese origin was killed," he said.

The supposed "Marine" then claims that Saddam himself fired at the troops, who shouted back to him in Arabic to surrender. Abou Rabeh claims that a "military production team" later fabricated the film of Saddam's capture. He does not indicate what the reason would be for such a fabrication, though I'm sure moonbats far and wide would cite this as more ammo against the Bush Administration.

I guess this sort of propaganda is what passes for news at UPI.

I wonder what happened to healthy skepticism and research. Oh. I forgot. It went out the window when an opportunity to make the military look bad showed up.

Posted by: mhking at 03:59 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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August 19, 2005

King update: long recovery road ahead

Speech is slowly beginning to return to Coretta Scott King, who remains in Atlanta's Piedmont Hospital this evening.

But first, let me take a moment to apologize to anyone who I offended with my comments regarding Mrs. King the other day. They were harsh, and stepped a bit over the line.

Mrs. King suffered a small heart attack in addition to the severe stroke she suffered Tuesday. The conditions left her unable to speak and with little motor control in the right side of her body. Doctors today have indicated that some speech is returning to Mrs. King.

"She said a few words today. We're very encouraged by that," said Dr. Maggie Mermin, who has treated Mrs. King for the past 10 years. Mermin said the 78-year-old civil rights matriarch is in good spirits.

"She gets frustrated at times as anyone would who can't speak but generally is upbeat. She's very tough. She's always been in excellent health up (until) now and she's encouraged when she's able to speak a few words."

"She's able to respond but when a speech therapist asks her to do some things like sing some songs she already knew, she can do that (and) count. She can do some things so she's beginning to get her speech back," Mermin said. In her youth, Mrs. King studied concert singing at Boston's New England Conservatory of Music.

"She has the thought. She clearly wants to communicate it and she can't get the words out."

Doctors said King had suffered a severe stroke and a minor heart attack, both of which were caused by a single blood clot.

The blood clot traveled from the atrium to the left side of King's brain and a tiny part of it affected her heart. The area of the brain damaged by the clot affects both speech and motor function on the right side of the body, Dr. Mermin said.

King is currently taking two blood thinners -- Heparin and Coumadin -- to keep new clots from forming. King must now learn how to speak again and use the right side of her body. She can swallow and take in nutrition.

Doctors have said that the road to recovery for Mrs. King is a long one. I pray that the journey is shorter than the doctors forsee, and that God's hand will help hasten her path back to full health.

And again, I apologize for anyone who I offended previously.

(More coverage from Vision Circle, Unpartisan & others)

Posted by: mhking at 05:07 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Members of Cindy's Flying Circus claim USPS in on conspiracy

Moonbats supporting protest drama queen Cindy Sheehan are now claiming that workers from the US Postal Service are on in on the so-called "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy®." They are insistent that mail destined for Sheehan is not getting there and is being turned back by supposed "evil" people in the Crawford, TX post office.

Complain that you heard they are NOT receiving the mail at the Peace House. I am PISSED OFF. Make a 1000 complaints from every PO in the country!!
The address that mail goes to from folks who send stuff to Sheehan's Flying Circus is in Dallas, TX.

I just want to know how a postman in Crawford, TX would deliver mail to her, riding up and down all the country roads yelling, "Are you Cindy Sheehan?"

The conspiracy nuts abound...

Posted by: mhking at 10:06 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Sheehan slams Drudge, then begs for privacy

Moonbat protestor Cindy Sheehan, who has departed her self-appointed post near President Bush's in Crawford, TX for the Los Angeles area to check on her ailing mother, has put out two new releases. The first, dated yesterday, excoriated The Drudge Report and others on the right (presumably blogs, commentators and columnists).

Even after my repeated attempts to keep the focus of my protest on the war, the Drudge Report and others continue to try to make the issue about me.
This is despite her admitted media-hogging over the past few weeks.

A new release from Sheehan today, indicates that she will not be making any other statements while tending to her mother. Sheehan's mother suffered a stroke earlier this week, prompting her departure from Texas yesterday.

I plan on returning to Camp Casey very soon, but while I'm in Los Angeles please respect that my sister, brother and I are here focusing on our mother, while the moms in Crawford focus on Bush. The President is not off the hook.

More and more mothers come to Crawford daily with their stories of grief and hope, so we can prevent more moms from losing their children in a war based on lies.

While I wish Sheehan's mother well, my cynicism comes into play when she suggests that she won't make any more statements until she returns to Texas.

This is while other moonbats make the trek to Texas in order to join Cindy Sheehan's Traveling Road Show and Flying Circus.

Several women here in the Atlanta area are preparing to head to Crawford, TX, accompanied by former SCLC head Rev. Joseph Lowery.

Posted by: mhking at 08:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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More Scare America woes...

Air America radio has been having an ongoing issue with skimming monies from the New York Boys & Girls Club (Brian Maloney and Michelle Malkin have been all over this in depth like no one else out there, blog, podcast, mainstream or otherwise), but today something new has come to the fore.

Today, word comes of an attorney who is seeking $1.5 million on behalf of his client, a radio station ownership group that it says is owed.

According to court records obtained by Radio Equalizer/, another major creditor has been demanding that Air America pay up. The liberal radio network has refused to do so, despite a court order and scathing words from a New York judge overseeing the case. Now, the creditor--Multicultural Radio Broadcasting Inc.--has filed a new complaint, accusing Air America and fficial&start=20&sa=N">Piquant LLC (Air America's current owners) of engaging in a "sham transaction" and "fraudulent conveyance" of assets in order to avoid paying its debts.
Scare America may be on far more slippery ice than they thought.

Only 70 affiliates, and who knows how long their "big-gun" affiliates (i.e., Clear Channel-owned stations) will stick around.

Posted by: mhking at 05:24 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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BTK killer gets 10 life terms

The BTK serial killer, Dennis Rader, was sentenced to ten life terms in Wichita, KS yesterday after an emotional hearing that included words from family members of victims and a rambling statement by Rader.

Rader, sounding eerily like Hannibal Lechter in his pedantic, almost cordial manner, talked about his victims and how he was sorry for killing them. Rader even had to dab his eyes with tissue at one point.

He described himself as "a sexual predator" and "self-centered," and added, "I seem to crave the attention of the media."

"People will say that I'm not a Christian, but I believe I am."

He said, "I know the victims' families won't ever be able to forgive me. I hope, somewhere deep down, eventually, that will happen."

Rader proceeded to offer "corrections" to the district attorney over details in her presentation.

About his long-term plans, he said, "I expect to heal and have light and then, hopefully, someday, God will accept me."

About his deeds, he said, "I apologize to the victims' families. There is no way that I can ever repay them."

The former dog catcher complimented the police, and said he felt a camaraderie with them, "although I wore a black hat instead of a white hat."

The families of the victims held no illusions about the type of predator Rader is though. While some family members were too emotionally torn up to speak, others railed against Rader, wishing that he would rot in hell.

There has to be some form of justice that will effectively and adequately punish this animal. I don't know what it is, though. I trust and know that God does, and will meet out justice in His time and in His way.

Posted by: mhking at 02:15 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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August 18, 2005

Sheehan leaving Crawford

According to broadcast reports, protestor-extrordinaire Cindy Sheehan is going to be leaving her post in Crawford, TX sometime this evening to attend to her ailing mother. Word has reached Sheehan that her mother has suffered a stroke. No other details as of this point.

Posted by: mhking at 12:36 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Why am I reminded of the riot scenes from Soylent Green?" align=left hspace=3>I've been watching the removal of people from the synagogues and other buildings in Gaza on the news networks this morning, and I'm struck by one thing.

As water cannons are being turned onto people, and protestors being herded into giant transport containers to be taken off of rooftops, I'm suddenly struck with a juxtaposition between this and the riot scenes of the post-apocalyptic/dark futurist 1973 movie Soylent Green.

Posted by: mhking at 07:40 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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August 17, 2005

Coretta Scott King update: She had a stroke Tuesday

Coretta Scott King remains in Atlanta's Piedmont Hospital in fair condition after being admitted yesterday.

"My family and I are overwhelmed by the outpouring of care and support that are being sent from around the world," Martin Luther King III said in a statement. "Please continue to keep her and us in your thoughts and prayers as she moves towards a speedy and complete recovery."

Coretta King's oldest son did not say why his mother was admitted to Piedmont Hospital, but people close to her say she has had several small strokes since heart problems were first diagnosed in earlier this year and suffered a more serious stroke Tuesday.

Hospital spokeswoman Diana Lewis confirmed King was admitted but declined to provide other details other than that King was in fair condition and was resting comfortably.

It is not known how extensive the stroke was or how long she is expected to remain in hospital.

My prayers go out to her in hopes that she makes a swift recovery.

Posted by: mhking at 02:10 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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When you thought Comcrap Cable couldn't get any worse...

Like a fair number of folks who have cable television from Comcast, Elgin, IL resident LaChania Govan has had some problems with her services. And like most of those, she has tried to call Comcast to resolve the problems.

After dozens of telephone calls in July to rectify the problems, she received her cable bill in the mail. But it wasn't addressed to her. In place of her name, the name on the bill read BITCH DOG.

"I could not believe it," said Govan, who works in customer service for a credit card company.

She said she immediately called Comcast to cancel her service and was sent to an operator.

"She asked me for my name. I said, `You really don't want me to go there,'" Govan said.

Recounting her problems on Tuesday, she said she was transferred to a supervisor who assured her he would find out what happened and get back to her soon.

In the meantime, she said, he offered her two months of free cable, which she declined.

A Comcast official said Tuesday the company was aware of the incident and that the bogus name change was authentic but said she couldn't discuss the specifics until the company discovered how it occurred.

"If this is not that customer's name, it shouldn't be on that bill," said Patricia Andrews-Keenan, vice president of communications for the company. "But we don't know why that happened. It's obvious that that's inappropriate to have a name like that on that account."

Comcast officials said that it should be easy to track who made that sort of change.

However, more than a week after calling to cancel her service, she has yet to hear back from anyone with Comcast to disconnect her service.

I love my DirecTV, and even with Comcast calling and mailing me all the time to come back (they've taken to offering several hundred dollars in usage credits to "ditch the dish"), I think I'll stick with DirecTV.

Posted by: mhking at 11:20 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Sheehan DID write the letter

ABC News has confirmed that protesting ringleader moonbat-in-charge Cindy Sheehan did write the letter claiming that her son was "killed" for Israel. Sheehan denied on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 making the statements earlier this week.

In a nut shell, ABC now says it talked to Sheehan and she said she did in fact write the letter in question after all and she did receive an e-mail from ABC confirming that ABC had received it. But she thinks the version on the web has been tampered with.
In addition, there's word that leaky-mouthed moonbat Coleen Rowley, who most know as the person who leaked classified info after 9/11, is planning on joining Sheehan in Crawford. These days, Rowley is running for the US House as a Moonbat. I guess anything to get face-time for the voters back home is good.

Sounds like a regular old-home week before the cameras at the Cindy Sheehan Traveling Road Show and Flying Circus. Better get your ticket early.

(More coverage from Outside The Beltway & others)

Posted by: mhking at 08:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Sheehan protest moves closer to Bush's house

The Cindy Sheehan Traveling Road Show and Flying Circus is pulling up stakes and moving closer to President Bush's home in Crawford, TX.

The new site is courtesy of an unnamed sympathetic landowner who lives closer to Bush than the previous spot that Sheehan and her traveling band had staked out.

The landowner is a relative of Larry Mattlage, the local rancher who fired shots into the air Sunday, saying he was preparing for "dove season," said Sheehan, the aggrieved mother.

"This just shows me that the universe is blessing our efforts out here at Camp Casey," she said late Tuesday, referring to the camp named after her 24-year-old son.

She said demonstrators would be relocating "within the next few days."

Sheehan is demanding to speak with President Bush about the Iraq war, maintaining her claims that Bush's policies are what killed her son (as opposed to the terrorists that actually did), a soldier in Iraq. Sheehan is also part of a movement geared toward the impeachment of President Bush, despite her recent claims to the contrary, as evidenced by photographs of Sheehan in front of a bus dubbed the "Impeachment Express."

Posted by: mhking at 05:38 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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August 16, 2005

Major computer worm on Win2K computers; CNN/ABC/NYTimes & others affected

A new and particularly virulent variety of the Zotob virus has affected computers running the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system this afternoon.

According to broadcast reports, this is the fastest propagating virus in history. CNN says that their computers in New York and Atlanta are affected, as are computers used by other media organizations, including The New York Times and ABC News.

Systems affected by this virus will shut down with no warning, and in other cases, prohibit systems from booting.

Microsoft issued a warning on Sunday regarding Zotob.A.

Zotob.A is a worm targeting Windows 2000–based systems which takes advantage of a security issue that was addressed by Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-039. This worm installs malicious software, and then looks for other computers to infect.

When Zotob.A infects a computer, it attempts to deliver a malicious file named Botzor.exe. If your computer is infected, this file will be present and your registry will show changes.

Apparently, it was not thought to be a major threat until late this afternoon.

As of present there are a number of other companies, according to CNN, that are being affected in North America and elsewhere on the planet.

UPDATE 7P: CNN's crawl is gone on the bottom of the screen. There are other programming elements that they are having problems with. ABC was able to get World News Tonight off without a hitch, but other entities are not as lucky.

There are reports that governmental bodies in a number of states, along with systems on Capitol Hill in Washington have been affected.

Posted by: mhking at 12:59 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Coretta Scott King hospitalized (Updated - 10P)

Professional widow Coretta Scott King was admitted to Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta this morning, for an undisclosed ailment.

A King family spokesperson is due to speak to the press later today; we'll know more details then.

UPDATE: Limited information was made available this evening.

"I can confirm that Mrs. King did come to Piedmont Hospital earlier today. She is in fair condition. She's resting comfortably. She's undergoing observation," said spokeswoman Diana Lewis.
Today's hospitalization marks the second for Mrs. King in the past four months. In April, she was hospitalized overnight for atrial fibrillation.

Atrial fibrillation can cause shortness of breath and can lead to stroke.

The King family is expected to release more information on Thursday.

Posted by: mhking at 09:30 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Ain't that how Christopher Reeve got done in?

Sky News is reporting that Madonna has been seriously injured after falling off of a horse while celebrating her 47th birthday.

She's got three cracked ribs, a broken collarbone and a broken hand.

(Crossposting to The Dead Pool)

Posted by: mhking at 09:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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CAIR talking head balks when hit with hard questions

Project 21 member Mychal Massie interviewed Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) spokesman Ibrahim Hooper on his internet-only talk show Straight Talk last week for about five minutes. And in that five minutes, what started as a civl conversation ended with Hooper's sputtering angrily, followed by Hooper abruptly terminating the telephone interview.

In less than five minutes of air time, the person responsible for putting forth a favorable presentation of CAIR hung up, leaving the audience with nothing to warrant a change in opinion of him, his organization or his religion.

I had assured the gentleman prior to his agreeing to appear that I would not seek to embarrass or diminish him, but I also assured him I would ask straightforward questions. His rhetoric almost immediately degenerated into a puerile phonemic tirade, with him accusing me of "advocating genocide" and of saying "every Muslim on the planet is a member of terrorist organization." He fomented: "You'd kill me, you'd kill my family, you'd kill every member of my mosque ..." – none of which had I even remotely suggested. I submit he is in a much better position to know who within his element is a terrorist than I.

Hooper took offense when I pointed out that of the 400-plus recognized terrorist groups in the world, over 90 percent were Islamist groups. (Peaceful religion is not spelled I-s-l-a-m). But the fact remains it isn't the Amish, the Mennonites or the Seventh Day Adventists who are beheading innocent people and murdering innocent women and children – it is Muslims. It was not the Methodists who celebrated the dastardly attacks of 9-11 during candlelight vigils on certain college campuses – it was Muslims.

Despite his venomous excoriations and half-baked platitudes, it appears to be impossible for Hooper to denounce the terrorist actions of the fanatical elements of Islam.

And for CAIR to show righteous and outrageous indignation to hand-wringing when writers, columnists, talk show hosts and others rightly criticize them as an organization, and Islam as a religion, only adds to the perception that I and many others have: that CAIR is a front for the terrorist fringe elements within Islam. And I truly have to wonder how close that "fringe" is to the mainline center of Islam. Because Islam sounds less and less like a doctrinal religious faith; and more and more like a lunatic cult.

Posted by: mhking at 08:34 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 15, 2005

Bubba says he "would have" attacked Bin Laden

Former President Bill Clinton says that he "would have attacked" Osama Bin Laden, but the FBI and CIA couldn't provide him with proof that Bin Laden and Al Qaeda was behind the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen. Clinton made the claims in an article that appears in New York Magazine this week.

"I desperately wish that I had been president when the FBI and CIA finally confirmed, officially, that bin Laden was responsible for the attack on the U.S.S. Cole," Clinton tells New York magazine this week. "Then we could have launched an attack on Afghanistan early."

"I don’t know if it would have prevented 9/11," he added. "But it certainly would have complicated it.”

Despite his failure to launch such an attack, Clinton said he saw the danger posed by bin Laden much more clearly than did President Bush.

"I always thought that bin Laden was a bigger threat than the Bush administration did," he told New York magazine.

Bull. If Clinton had viewed Bin Laden as a "bigger threat," he would have taken Osama when he was offered to the US on a silver platter by Sudanese officials in the late 1990s.

Bubba will say anything to exonerate himself in the light of his Administration's failures regarding Osama Bin Laden.

Posted by: mhking at 07:04 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Dick "Dastardly" Durbin caught in his own lie

Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (Full of it-IL) was the source of statements in a Los Angeles Times article last month by George Washington University professor John Turley regarding Supreme Court Nominee John Roberts. The statements amounted to a religious litmus test for the nominee.

Durbin has repeatedly and vehemently denied making such a statement.

Turley has produced an audio tape that proves his side of the equation.

"The taped message is consistent with my notes as well as my email and telephone communications with editors," George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley wrote in a letter earlier this month to Mr. Durbin. "There was never a question as to the accuracy of the [column]. The only issue ever raised by your staff was whether you would be mentioned in the article."

In a column last month in the Los Angeles Times, Mr. Turley wrote that during a private meeting with Mr. Durbin, Judge Roberts "was asked by Sen. Richard Durbin [Illinois Democrat] what he would do if the law required a ruling that his church considers immoral," Mr. Turley wrote.

"Roberts appeared nonplused and, according to sources in the meeting, answered after a long pause that he would probably have to recuse himself," wrote Mr. Turley, who added that it was "the wrong answer."

Conservatives immediately accused Mr. Durbin of applying a religious "litmus test" to the Roberts confirmation, and Mr. Durbin said the column was inaccurate.

"I don't know who was his source," Joe Shoemaker, Mr. Durbin's spokesman, said the day the column ran. "Whoever the source was either got it wrong or Jonathan Turley got it wrong."

Mr. Durbin's office refused to comment on the letter.

"I'm not going to dignify this with a response," Mr. Shoemaker said. "Turley got his facts wrong."

But Mr. Turley said that on the day before the column ran, he read the relevant portions of his column to Mr. Shoemaker.

"Mr. Shoemaker confirmed that he was present at the time and that 'it happened exactly the way the Senator said,' " Mr. Turley wrote in his letter to Mr. Durbin. "He agreed that the recusal statement was 'incredible.' "

The only quibble at that time, Mr. Turley said, was whether to quote Mr. Durbin by name even though the senator never requested anonymity.

My message to Durbin & Shoemaker (and to quote hacker-geek slang): "PWND!"

Posted by: mhking at 04:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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