October 19, 2004

Police investigating claims of NAACP trading crack for fake voter forms in OH

Police in a Cleveland suburb are investigating whether or not an NAACP voter drive gave a man crack cocaine in exchange for voter registrations.

Defiance County, OH police arrested 22 year-old Chad Staton after he told them he had accepted crack cocaine in exchange for submitting more than 100 phony voter registration forms in names that included Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy, Michael Jordan and George Foreman.

"Staton was to be paid for each registration form that he could get citizens to fill out," the sheriff said. "However, Staton himself filled out the registrations and returned them to the woman who hired him from Toledo."

According to (Defiance Co. Sheriff David) Westrick, the NAACP's National Voter Fund had submitted the false registrations to the elections board in Cleveland. George Forbes, Cleveland chapter president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said Monday that the voter fund operates independently from his chapter.

Officers said they interviewed a Toledo woman who claimed that she had paid Staton with cocaine for the registrations. Officers said they obtained a search warrant and took voter registrations and drug paraphernalia from her home.

What? The cemetary rolls haven't been checked yet?

And the Dems insist that WE are the paragon of dirty tricks?

Heh. Yeah, right.

Posted by: mhking at 04:45 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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The Breck Girl at work; Someone call the Fab Five!

Metrosexual and Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards primps, puffs, combs and flips his hair around as he prepares for a television appearance in this video captured for posterity by the incomprable Harry Shearer.

He tries to straighten it with his fingers. A makeup technician approaches with a comb, but the senator likes it just so and does the combing himself. He signals he's ready for hair spray by closing his eyes expectantly, like a child.
Then he says, "Thank you, Mommy."

I wonder if his wife does this for him at home. He looks like a prime candidate for the Fab Five from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

Posted by: mhking at 04:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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CARE head in Iraq kidnapped

The senior official from CARE International in Iraq has been kidnapped by the monsters.

Margaret Hassan was taken this morning, according to a CARE spokesperson.

Robert Glasser, a director with the charity, said Ms Hassan was CARE's head of operations in Iraq.

He said she was an Iranian national who had been caring for people in the country for more than 25 years.

Mr Glasser added he had no idea of a motive for the kidnap and believed Ms Hassan had been unharmed.

"We are doing what we can for her release," he added.

CARE is an international charity - not anybody's occupying force or anything.

Just damn.

Posted by: mhking at 04:05 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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October 18, 2004

'Embarrassed' college students start StopMarionBarry.com

A group of college students from Washington, DC, who describe themselves as "embarrassed," have started StopMarionBarry.com.

The site includes a request to sign a petition in protest of the candidacy of the former DC mayor and current DC City Council candidate.

Barry was arrested in 1990 for drug possession at a downtown Washington hotel. The FBI videotape of Barry's crime and arrest were broadcast worldwide. He served six months in jail, and was reelected to the mayor's office once again, serving until 1999.

In 2002, Barry campaigned for an at-large seat on the city council. During the campaign, Park Police caught Barry with "a powdery substance under his nose." Drug-sniffing dogs found traces of cocaine and marijuana in his car.
The students are outraged at the very thought of Barry running for, and most likely winning political office once again in the Nation's Capitol.

Barry's lack of common sense is well known, but the locals in DC continue to support him anyway.

Marion Barry, in his own words:

"First, it was not a strip bar, it was an erotic club. And second, what can I say? I'm a night owl."

"Bitch set me up."

"I am clearly more popular than Reagan. I am in my third term. Where's Reagan? Gone after two! Defeated by George Bush and Michael Dukakis no less."

"The laws in this city are clearly racist. All laws are racist. The law of gravity is racist."

"People blame me because these water mains break, but I ask you, if the water mains didn't break, would it be my responsibility to fix them then? Would it?"

"I am a great mayor; I am an upstanding Christian man; I am an intelligent man; I am a deeply educated man; I am a humble man."

"If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very, very low crime rate."

Logic certainly isn't Barry's strong suit, and judging by the citizens in Washington who are poised to put the man back in office, seem to enjoy being laughing stocks represented by an idiot of a laughing stock.

Posted by: mhking at 02:28 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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October 17, 2004

Is this the face of Kal-El?

According to Ain't It Cool, Dark Horizons, Latino Review & Empire Online, former soap star Brandon Routh has been tapped by director Bryan Singer to be the new Superman.

Routh is a native Iowan, and is known to most audiences for his role as Seth Anderson on ABC's One Life To Live in 2001 & 2002. Routh has had guest roles on Will & Grace, Cold Case & Gilmore Girls over the past couple of years.

Singer, of course, is known for directing both X-Men movies, as well as The Usual Suspects.

He's set to make us believe Routh can fly in July 2006.

Posted by: mhking at 03:40 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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October 15, 2004

KRS-One -- not one of the smartest folks in the world

Rapper KRS-One has come out with a statement at the New Yorker Festival at the beginning of October that has many folks up in arms.

claiming that he and other African-Americans "cheered when 9/11 happened . . . I say that proudly."

As reported in the New York Daily News and confirmed by a New Yorker spokeswoman, the rapper explained his views by saying that prior to the attack World Trade Center security guards prevented black people from entering "because of the way we talk and dress. So when the planes hit the building, we were like, 'Mmmm -- justice.' [9/11] doesn't affect us. 9/11 happened to them, not us. The rich . . . those who are oppressing us. RCA or BMG, Universal, the radio stations."

KRS-One also criticized recent voter registration campaigns by members of the hip-hop community. "Voting in a corrupt society adds more corruption," he said. "America has to commit suicide if the world is to be a better place." This comment drew a heated response fellow panelist and former Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic, who yelled, "That is wrong, man. Suicide is not the answer."

He has no problem with taking American money, yet goes on a bitch-fest? If this country is so damn corrupt, then you've got two options: make a change, or get the hell out. I don't see him doing either one.

Talk about hypocritical. Not only that, if he actually DID cheer, I would dare say that I would wonder about his sanity.

It sounds like when common sense was handed out, he missed the delivery.

(Other commentary from Chris Short, Jeff Quinton & others)

Posted by: mhking at 03:33 AM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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October 14, 2004

Kerry/Edwards planning to charge voter intimidation -- even if none exists!

Matt Drudge has obtained a 66 page document to be issued by the Kerry/Edwards campaign and the Demcratic National Committee which directs supporters to make loud and vocal charges of voter intimidation against the GOP and the Bush Administration -- even if none exists.

A 66-page mobilization plan to be issued by the Kerry/Edwards campaign and the Democratic National Committee states: "If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet, launch a 'pre-emptive strike.'"
UPDATE (11:15A): Drudge has posted a .PDF file with the first page of this manual. You can also click the image to see a .JPG of the same PDF file.
If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet, launch a "pre-emptive strike" (particularly well-suited to states in which there techniques have been tried in the past).

Prime minority leadership to discuss the issue in the media; provide talking points

Place stories in which minority leadership expresses concern about the threat of intimidation tactics

And they claim that they are the good guys and we are the bad guys? Uh....

UPDATE (11:35A): More from Drudge:

One top DNC official confirmed the manual's authenticity, but claimed the notion of crying wolf on any voter intimidation is "absurd."

"We all know the Republicans are going to try to steal the election by scaring people and confusing people," the top DNC source explained.

UPDATE (4:30P): The Democratic National Committee is charging that the Drudge Report is "misleading" the public over the document.
(T)oday the Drudge Report posted a misleading statement about Democratic efforts to fight voter suppression.

In response, the Democratic National Committee released: 1) A statement from DNC Communications Director Jano Cabrera; 2) A brief review of past GOP voter intimidation efforts from this year alone; 3) The full excerpt from the DNC field manual which was a alluded to, but unfairly characterized, on the Drudge Report.

Actually, this sounds more like one of their hole cards might have been turned. The pre-emptive strike quote intimates that the Democrats are going to assume that intimidation will take place, period. It sounds like they don't care about playing fairly, just about winning.

Posted by: mhking at 06:03 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Jesse Jackson adds his own sound byte to the "Spin Cycle"

Jesse Jackson, joining the other partisan pundits in the post-debate "spin alley," making the round of the television networks, repeated an earlier criticism of the Bush Administration -- insisting that Bush was pushing the "ideology of the Confederacy."

"[Bush is pursuing] the states' rights ideology, in contrast to the Union; the embrace of [former Confederate President] Jefferson Davis rather than Abraham Lincoln," Jackson told CNSNews.com.

Jackson said the Bush administration can be compared to the Confederacy because "it's anti-labor and it's anti-civil rights, it's anti-workers rights, and that is the Confederacy, and it's why people like [Mississippi Senator] Trent Lott and [House Majority Leader] Tom Delay have disproportional power in this administration."

When asked if he thought Kerry would support his comparison of the Bush administration to the Confederacy, Jackson responded, "This is my language. Kerry supports the Union and Bush supports states' rights."

Jackson added that Kerry "supports workers' right to organize and Bush supports right-to-work laws. And so the contrast is stark and clear in my mind."

Democratic party head Terry McAuliffe thinks that it's OK to allow Jackson to spew his racial rhetoric on behalf of Kerry.
"The Reverend Jackson has spoken for himself his entire life and does a very effective job doing that."
Sounds like Jackson is trying to do his level best to position himself for a lucrative position in a Kerry Administration, where he can bully the right all he wants.

Posted by: mhking at 05:24 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Ketchup Boy contradicts himself on outsourcing

In last night's debate, John Kerry insisted that he would stop outsourcing.

But less than a year ago, he insisted that he CAN'T stop outsourcing.

Well, any candidate for president who stands up and tells people, as some are, that theyÂ’re going to just stop [outsourcing] by getting tough on trade or whatever, is lying to the American people. Outsourcing is particularly painful at this moment because we havenÂ’t been creating jobs, and we havenÂ’t been creating jobs to some measure because of the overhang of the 1990s, the excess capacity that we were left with and the need to sort of burn it up.
I wonder what's changed in Kerry's mind since last December.

Posted by: mhking at 02:27 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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October 13, 2004

Danziger backpedaling on racist cartoon?

Jeff Danziger's offensive political cartoon was the subject of much ire across the web over the past few days.

But as of this evening, the cartoon has been removed from his website.

Of course, leave it to me to make sure I've got a copy for your perusal, so you can see that it was, indeed, over the line.

Danziger's been sending out a form letter to anyone who complains about the cartoon, as Tony over at Red Mind in a Blue State found out.

Thanks for your letter.

In fact the idea for the cartoon was suggested to me by a friend who is African-American. It wasn't racist. Nor am I. I have been doing this for nearly thirty years, and any review of my work will prove that no racism attaches. Further, I am a decorated Vietnam veteran who voted for Nixon once, GHW Bush twice and even for Bob Dole. So keep your labels.

Nothing racist about it at all. Just the standard lies told by a political operative, out of her depth, who happens to be African- American. Whenever this administration is in trouble they send out Condi Rice because the press, which is mostly white and male, gives her a far easier treatment than they would a white male.

If the tables were turned, and Rice were a LIBERAL black woman, he wouldn't dare put anything of the sort there.

Yet another double-standard for black conservatives at work. It's OK to toss racist rhetoric at a black conservative, but Katie bar the door if you do the same to a black liberal.

Just damn.

Posted by: mhking at 06:55 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Bishop Harry Jackson supporting President Bush

Bishop Harry Jackson, who regularly appears on TBN's Praise The Lord has just made a formal statement throwing his support behind President Bush, and urging all fellow Godly men and women to do the same thing.

I support George Bush and I believe that the Black vote will push him over the top. I also believe that this yearÂ’s October surprise will be the Black community standing up for righteousness and justice. High impact African-American churches are creating high impact leaders who are developing high impact congregations that are changing their communities. These high impact Black Christians are more likely to read their Bibles and practice the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, or worship than their White, Hispanic, or other ethnic counterparts.

Black pastors are beginning to speak out and Black members of multi-cultural churches are ready to make a difference in their world.

In my view, God has been preparing the heart of President Bush to take a radical stand for social justice in his next term. This could be the beginning of the development of a "kingdom agenda" instead of a limited "conservative" versus "liberal" approach to the woes of our society. The current political labels have led to bitter divisions that do not serve the nationÂ’s best interests.

The article also points out that three other prominent black evangelists are also supporting Bush: Bishop Wellington Boone, Apostle Kimberly Daniels and Bishop Larry Jackson.

Posted by: mhking at 06:43 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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A Southern black minister tells why he will vote for George W. Bush

Pastor Clarence William Page from Greensboro, NC has published an open letter to black America.

In it, he includes his reasons for voting FOR President Bush, and not to vote for Senator Kerry. He also poses some questions for people to ponder.

I know the hurt we feel (and have felt for hundreds of years). I am aware of the blatant racism the Republican Party has condoned (and in some cases still condones). My reasons for the stance taken in this position statement have little to do with racism but they do have much to do with race.

I will vote for the reelection of President George W. Bush because:

1.   He is pro-marriage.  He believes marriage is between a man and a woman.
2.   He is pro-life.  He believes that the killing of unborn, helpless, innocent children is wrong.
3.   He is willing domestically to stand for what God stands for (Faith-based initiatives prove this).
4.   He has a Black woman in the White House (and she is not a maid).
5.   He has a Black man as Secretary of State (and he is not a "Tom").
6.   He has a Black man as Secretary of Education (and he is not a "figurehead").
7.   He has stood by (not fired) those high profile Black cabinet members.
8.   He believes that "No Child Should Be Left Behind".
9.   He has publicly honored God and welcomed the representatives of God.
10. He is willing internationally to stand for what God stands for (against sinful UN initiatives).
11.  He cares about being right (though, [as all human beings] he is sometimes wrong).
12.  He welcomes and seeks the advice of God's people

I will not vote for Mr. John Kerry because:

1.   He claims he is for marriage but he won't stand against the proposed abuses of it.
2.   He claims he is against abortion but he won't stand against the uses of it.
3.   He does change his stated positions often.
4.   He claims to be Catholic but he won't stand for what the Catholic Church stands for.
5.   He tries to accommodate the sinful agendas of some Democrats and thus weakens his moral stance.
6.   He tried to run on his Vietnam "record" and not on  his Senate record.
7.   He does not seem to have a clear view of where he thinks America should be going.

Now, my answer to Black intellectuals (who think I'm just a stupid Southerner whose mind was never freed from the shackles of slavery):

1.   Some of you are willing to sell your souls for money and position (and have done so).
2.   Some of you have adopted the position of those who hate Jesus, Jews and Americans.
3.   Some of you are too ignorant to realize that we "got where were are" on Grandma's and Grandpa's prayers.
4.   Many of you no longer believe in God.
5.   Many of you say you are Christians but won't stand for what God stands for (in His Holy Word).
6.   Many of you are pushing the "gay marriage" agenda (or you are "silent" about it).
7.   Many, many, many of you are "silent" about the horrors of abortion.
8.   Many of you are supporting all the "cussing" and moral decadence many black artists are espousing and exporting.
9.   Many of you refuse to hear the truth (whether it's told by preachers or Bill Cosby).
10.  Many of you have finally "arrived" and have now forgotten God.
11.  Some of you have been tricked into believing that God is "White" or is the "White Man's God".
12.  Some of you have no interest in an integrated, peaceful America.

Now, my statement to Racist Republicans

1.   God cares zero, zip, zilch about your color.
2.   Racism is demonic, ignorant, stupid, and counterproductive.
3.   The White Man is NOT "more intelligent", so forget it.
4.   Here we come and we "ain't sitting in the back of the bus" (no thanks to you).
5.  The Holy Bible says that "God is no respecter of persons".
6.   Your racism is a drag on the Republican Party.
7.   We will help you be delivered (if you let us).

How will the reelection of President Bush help Blacks?

1.   Black men are already scarce (we sure don't need "gay marriage")
2.   All over the world Black people are dying (we sure don't need abortion).
3.   It is only by the Grace of God that we are still here (we sure don't need an un-Godly America).
4.   President Bush will keep Blacks in his administration (I believe).
5.   Faith-based initiatives are better (for us) than are sin-based initiatives.
6.   For too long our children have been "left behind".  We need "No Child Left Behind".
7.   We, of all people, truly need a Godly man in the White House.
I'm sure that Jesse Jackson and company will denounce any black man that dares to make statements such as these.

Posted by: mhking at 06:23 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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And the third one's history...

The debates are increasingly becoming irrelevant in the overall scheme of things; they are becoming an opportunity for the candidates to rip on each other personally.

That being said, I think President Bush came out with a slight edge over Senator Kerry.

This debate, being more in tone and structure to the first debate than the second, included questions primarily geared toward domestic policy.

Kerry came out swinging the talking points that he has played with continually as this campaign has moved forward.

Bush pointed out the inaccuracies and contradictions in Kerry's record over the past 20 years in Congress.

Kerry continued his mantra: "I have a plan."

If I had a dollar for every time Kerry claimed to have this nebulous "plan," I'd be filthy rich.

Ratings for the debate are expected to be down, as the ALCS and NLCS are running on Fox and Fox Sports Net.

Posted by: mhking at 05:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Bush v. Kerry: Third period. Just don't expect this hockey game to have any fights.

The third round of debates is tonight at Arizona State University in Tempe.

The Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium where the debates will be held was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and coincidentally, was the building whose design was used by Wright for the design of the Baghdad Opera House.

CBS News veteran Bob Schieffer will moderate a debate that will be very much, procedurally, like the first debate. Schieffer will sit at the moderator's position in front of the two candidates, who will stand at podiums 10 feet apart.

For those who cannot get to a television set, live streams will be available on the web in multiple places, including C-Span (RP) and BBC World (WMP) online.

Live blogging is running all over the frazzlin' place; as with the other debates, I'll most likely be adding my two cents in over on Free Republic's live message thread.

Post-game coverage to come later on.

Posted by: mhking at 02:15 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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DBD'll be back. Soon.

From Day By Day:

Chris has gone through some major personal trials and tribulations lately.

I told him he should take as much time as he needs. We'll still be here when he gets back.

Posted by: mhking at 02:01 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Fear and loathing from the left

In New York City, my friend Renee got her own taste of the tangible and solid hatred that liberals feel toward conservatives in general, and the GOP in particular. She was attending a meeting for people who want to volunteer for a health expo in New York, and got treated to a sermon from a Bush-loathing, foaming at the mouth liberal.

There's a guy up front talking about Bush,etc. and I'm ignoring him because it's a meeting. Then he starts really getting animated, talking loud with very anti-white rhetoric, very anti-Western rhetoric. I hold up my hand and ask him (very nicely) when is he going to be finished and help return control to the person running the meeting. A older gentleman mentions the crisis in Ethiopia, Sudan and how he travelled extensively in Africa and was about to mention Zimbabwe and the same idiot up front goes PROFITABLE FOR WHO? Then launches into a tirade against Western Civilization,etc. The self hating white idiot sitting next to him is AGREEING WITH HIM and the black lady sitting next to me is muttering that she didn't come here to get a lecture (from the man up front). I really couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore and said in a firm voice 'You're talking about this crap, and look how you're manipulating the conversation, what the hell do you know about Africa? That guy has been there, and you haven't'.

Well I thought he was going to leap over the chairs and strangle me. I wasn't going to sit there and allow him to continue to INSULT the United States of America by saying people struggling to come here are WRONG. I wasn't going to stand for the anti-white rhetoric, and someone HAD to stand up to this man. Ordinarily I would have walked out but volunteering means I get into this very expensive expo free and would mean a lot of business opportunities for me. I wasn't about to let this leftist wacko filth deprive me of the golden opportunities by walking out of the meeting. I sat there though as he continued to insult me to his other friends up front.

Meanwhile, the older gentleman walked out of the room but not before he gave me a little wink and thumbs up.

What I don't understand is the unmitigated hatred and scorn that the left heaps upon anyone who is conservative, or supports the right.

Even my volume of hate mail is increasing in intensity and venom. I don't get it.

Posted by: mhking at 05:32 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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October 12, 2004

Liberals SAY they love you, then they stomp on you

From Nykola.com:

I realize that there are ugly sides to both sides of this political game. However, I find that the continual return to the small percentage of psychotic abortion clinic bombers as the rule and not the exception gets old. However, the "lovely-ness" of Liberals is rarely displayed or re-hashed in such a repetitive and vast fashion.

I received the following email and photo from a reader.


I thought you like to see what a nasty Kerry fan did to the windshield and side window of my car this weekend. Attacking the encouraging hate sign that way is particularly revealing. I think his scheme backfired though. Now people walking down my busy street are even more likely to stop and stare.

-Mike P. (Seattle, Washington)
They managed to take out his front window as well. Who knew the doctrine of "tolerance" has loopholes. I'll let you draw your own conclusions.
But we're supposed to be the "evil" guys, right?

Posted by: mhking at 04:14 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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You remember the Ted Rall debacle this summer. Now comes yet another one.

Left-wing cartoonist Jeff Danziger has put out a political cartoon about National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice that is just as bad and racist as the Ted Rall screed this summer.

If you remember, Ted Rall had a racist cartoon that offended many, and was the source of a protest letter that I sent to Rall's syndicator, United Features, back in July.

I don't know what makes these racist leftists think that it's OK, simply because their target happens to be a conservative. What's wrong is wrong. What's racist is racist. Period.

Wanna give Danziger and his syndicator, the New York Times Syndicate, a piece of your mind?

Danziger Cartoons are syndicated by the New York Times Syndicate. Call 917-306-3616 or email to jeff@danzigercartoons.com for all publication and permissions.
What's wrong is wrong. Period.

(Courtesy Michelle Malkin)

Posted by: mhking at 11:55 AM | Comments (38) | Add Comment
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Body of Michael Moore (no not THAT one, darn it) found after 40 days missing

49 year old Michael Moore's body was found this week near a Queens highway where it was thrown after smashing into a concrete barrier. The Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle he was riding was found nearby.

The decomposed body of Michael Moore, 49, was discovered facedown in a patch of 6-foot-tall grass between the Whitestone Expressway and the Cross Island Parkway in Malba, cops and witnesses said. He was about 10 feet from the southbound lane of the parkway, which carries more than 100,000 vehicles every day.

Moore's beloved green-and-black Kawasaki Ninja was nearby, cops and witnesses said.

Moore, a motorcycle-riding bus driver, had been missing for the past 40 days.

Damn. I feel for his family.

Although one can wish that it was Fatass, I doubt that there is a moving bike that could support the weight of his fat butt, let alone a helmet that could fit his fat head.

(Courtesy The Dead Pool)

Posted by: mhking at 07:31 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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October 11, 2004

The AQ "Murder by Beheading" machine still churning out victims

An Islamic website has posted new video of two decapitation murders of AQ hostages in Iraq. One of the victims was a Turkish contractor, the other, an Iraqi translator wearing a badge for the Titan security company.

A statement said the two were killed by the Ansar al-Sunnah Army, which claimed responsibility for slaughtering 12 Nepalese workers and three Iraqi Kurds on Aug. 31.

Also Monday, the Arabic language television station Al-Arabiya broadcast a video showing three hooded gunmen threatening to behead another Turkish hostage within three days unless the Americans release all Iraqi prisoners and all Turks leave Iraq.

A written statement appearing on the Internet video accused the Iraqi Kurdish translator, Luqman Hussein, of participating in raids with U.S. troops in the Ramadi area. A second statement said the Turkish contractor, Maher Kemal, was working for the Americans at an air base north of the capital.

Stills and video of the beheadings are available (WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES & VIDEO) at The Jawa Report.
(More coverage from Outside The Beltway, Backcountry Conservative & others)

Posted by: mhking at 10:53 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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