October 27, 2004
Arafish dying?

According to published reports, Yasser Arafat's health
is deterioriating significantly -- and rapidly.
Yasser Arafat's health deteriorated Wednesday and a team of doctors went to his compound to examine the Palestinian leader, a Palestinian official said.The 75-year-old Arafat had been ill for two weeks, suffering from what Palestinian officials said was the flu. Israeli officials speculated he might have stomach cancer, but two of Arafat's doctors said Wednesday that a blood test, combined with a biopsy of tissue taken from his digestive tract, showed no evidence of cancer of the digestive tract.
Late Wednesday, Arafat's condition worsened and doctors were sent to examine him, an official in Arafat's office said. Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia and former Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas were summoned to the compound to meet with Arafat, the official said.
According to
LGF, he's in critical condition -- or perhaps already dead.
Posted by: mhking at
03:55 PM
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October 26, 2004
Miami TV weatherman fired after child solicitation arrest

Bill Kamal, long-time chief meterologist for Miami's Fox affiliate, WSVN-TV/DT, was fired yesterday after his arrest in a police sting. 47 year-old Kamal's arrest came amid charges that he
solicited sex online from what he thought was a 14 year-old boy.
It took a police officer, posing online as a 14-year-old boy, two minutes to attract the interest of WSVN meteorologist Bill Kamal, federal law enforcement officials said Monday.Oct. 18, 4 p.m.: St. Lucie County Sheriff's detective Neil W. Spector signs on to an America Online chatroom called ``Boyzformen.''
Oct. 18, 4:02 p.m.: Kamal, 47, using a sexually suggestive screen name, instant messages Spector that he's looking for a son to have sex with.
On Sunday, police officers followed Kamal from his Miami Beach condo to a convenience store parking lot in Fort Pierce, where he had arranged to meet his correspondent, and arrested him.
On Monday, Channel 7, owned and operated by Sunbeam Television, fired Kamal and ran the report as one of its lead stories.
''We have no other alternative but to dismiss Bill Kamal for cause,'' was all that Robert W. Leider, Channel 7 executive vice president and general manager, said.
Federal attorney Marcos Jimenez said Kamal was charged with child enticement, which carries punishment of five to 30 years in prison, although the charge could be changed by a grand jury indictment. This is behind a state charge of solicitation of a minor younger than 16, which carries up to a five-year prison sentence.
Kamal had been on television extensively over the summer during the extended hurricane season in Florida, both locally in Miami, as well as on the Fox News Channel as part of it's coverage.
Station owners, upon learning of the charges, dismissed Kamal immediately. They had no other comment on the matter.
Posted by: mhking at
05:10 AM
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Parker: Why there's increased black support of Bush

A weekend NY Times poll has shown that black support for President Bush, as we go into the final week of the campaign, is up to a whopping 17 percent nationally. I've said repeatedly that ANY increase in black support for the President -- regardless of the overall outcome -- is certainly a victory in terms of black political outreach.
Star Parker takes a look at WHY that increase is happening in her new column.
The black community is by and large a religious community. When surveyed, blacks respond at higher rates than whites that religion plays a "very important" role in their life.Gay marriage, and claims equating the gay movement to the civil rights movement, has been a wake-up call. Black pastors and their congregants are waking up to the fact that the liberal agenda that they have been supporting all these years does not liberate but denigrates, dehumanizes, and enslaves. They are beginning to see the liberal agenda, the welfare state agenda, as a moral problem, undermining the dignity and responsibility that makes men and women free.
The substance of Kerry's remarks was as revealing as his behavior. Kerry knows zero about Mary Cheney's personal struggles. However, he used her to claim that there is no choice in homosexual behavior. So, in one swoop Kerry threw thousands of years of religious tradition and teaching into the garbage. We're all victims now. And, of course, from a black perspective, John Kerry will argue that an individual's sexual behavior is as pre-determined as his or her race. So, indeed sexual behavior should fall into the realm of civil rights.
Blacks are picking up on all this. This is what these new polling results are telling us. View this as a trend.
Kerry's pandering to black congregations in swing states, while looking good on camera, is starting to backfire, based on these numbers.
Posted by: mhking at
03:02 AM
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October 25, 2004
Pretty Boy Edwards gets endorsement from black church in Cincinnati

Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards, continuing the religious pandering to black congregations that John Kerry is pushing across the nation, attended Allen Temple AME Church in Cincinnati yesterday, and
accepted their endorsement.
John Edwards got a surprise Sunday at Allen Temple African Methodist Episcopal Church in Bond Hill.He was introduced by the church pastor as not only the Democratic vice presidential candidate, but also as a future president.
"I know he is going to be president of the United States," Rev. Donald Jordan told a cheering capacity congregation of 1,200. "The Republicans have no one who can compare to him. I ask your support of him."

John Kerry continued his round-robin tour of black churches yesterday, attending and speaking at Mount Hermon AME Church in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
MA Sen Ted Kennedy also hit the black church circuit, visiting Philadelphia's Mount Airy Church of God in Christ to stump from the pulpit for Kerry.
I've got a basic fundamental problem with any candidate or political group that passes out political fans in the middle of a church service. At the same time, I have to truly wonder whether a church that ALLOWS such a practice is truly a place where the pastor is thinking of spreading God's word, or that candidate's word.
Posted by: mhking at
10:19 AM
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I have never understood the need for using sunday services for candidate politics. I understand using the church during the week as a meeting place for candidates if so desired, but the sabboth is for the Lord, period.
Posted by: PDN at October 25, 2004 11:38 AM (YwP8F)
Man, this would be the right time for some Old Testament God. Lightning strikes, pillars of salt, some real fire and brimstone.
Sort of a Steven Segal movie meets God. I can already here the voiceover:
"They started out preaching their politics in conventions centers and public parks -- then they broke the rules...they brought it to his house -- and nobody breaks the rules in his house."
Cut to a Jet Li/Matrixesque action sequence with God and Kerry on wires, flipping around.
BLACK SUNDAY II: This Time It's Personal.
This film has not yet been rated.
Posted by: Zygote at October 25, 2004 01:38 PM (KIEtv)
Wrong "here" up there...you try writing a witty comment with a screaming, squirming five month old in your lap...
Posted by: Zygote at October 25, 2004 01:39 PM (KIEtv)
There is an update here: http://blackcincinnati.blogspot.com/2004/10/irs-asked-to-review-pro-kerry-rally-at.html
Posted by: Nate at October 26, 2004 09:53 AM (gA6dn)
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Kerry GUARANTEES no further terror attacks if elected

John Kerry had a brain fart of monumental proportions on NBC's
Today Show this morning. Kerry told host Katie Couric that he guarantees no further terrorist attacks anywhere in the world if elected.
George Bush and Dick Cheney have said to you, it is not a matter of if we're gonna be attacked. It is a matter of when...do you know that the-- that the President just the other day in an interview with Hannity and Combs said-- do you know what he said? He said he doesn't know if America will ever be safe. Well, I do know that America will be safe. Under my leadership.
I don't think that even hardcore Kool-Aid-drinking leftists can comfortably subscribe to that kind of statement.
Couric had issues with it off the bat.
But can you really...Senator make that guarantee -- that America will be safe under all circumstances?
Ketchup Boy is losing it. Big time.
Posted by: mhking at
06:37 AM
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Don't you think you a stretching things abit? He did not promise to end terror attacts. He said America will be safe. Are cars safe to drive? Does that mean you can't have an accident? OfCourse not. You sound like a Bush operative peddling fear. You're a better man than that.
Posted by: prince c at October 25, 2004 01:07 PM (BhnRD)
Well that about gets my vote. The man can make people walk after having a spinal cord cut. He backs the war, votes against it, says he would have invaded too, but now is not sure but could do it better, we spent too much money on the war or not enough, depending on the day and who he is talking too... etc, etc. He can do all things better than Bush witout giving much of a plan's details. etc.
And the election is still close? what is this frellin country coming too?
Posted by: Techangel at October 25, 2004 02:12 PM (Jvgw7)
Perhaps because the choice is between a so called flip flopper who lacks the charisma of a Kennedy or Bill Clinton and a war mongher who has been fiscally disasterous, is trying to roll back the separation of church and state and is fundamentally dishonest.
I think the choice is going to be what is considered lesser of two evils.
Posted by: young-white-and-liberal at October 26, 2004 02:01 PM (E1ciy)
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UN Security Council members deny meeting Kerry
The story that the blogosphere was
abuzz about over the weekened was one that in the eyes of some could be a "blockbuster," but what to me
looks more like a non-starter.
U.N. ambassadors from several nations are disputing assertions by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry that he met for hours with all members of the U.N. Security Council just a week before voting in October 2002 to authorize the use of force in Iraq.An investigation by The Washington Times reveals that while the candidate did talk for an unspecified period to at least a few members of the panel, no such meeting, as described by Mr. Kerry on a number of occasions over the past year, ever occurred.
So Ketchup Boy lied. Again.What else is new?
Personally, I think that some of the newspaper endorsements -- some rather surprising (Hartford Courant, Palm Springs Desert Sun, Chicago Tribune & others) are far more significant.
Posted by: mhking at
03:14 AM
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October 24, 2004
UK's Guardian encourages Bush's assassination

The Guardian has printed an incendiary editorial which excoriates the Bush Administration. This, in and of itself, is not outside the norm for the British newspaper.
The problem with the piece in question is a quote near the end.
On November 2, the entire civilised world will be praying, praying Bush loses. And Sod's law dictates he'll probably win, thereby disproving the existence of God once and for all. The world will endure four more years of idiocy, arrogance and unwarranted bloodshed, with no benevolent deity to watch over and save us. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr - where are you now that we need you?
You want to encourage people to vote, that's one thing. You want to support one party or another, that's perfectly fine. I'm all for expressing your opinion regarding the political process.
But to beg for (or encourage) an assassin to take out the sitting President, regardless of political party is not only out of line, but something that in this country at least is borderline illegal.
I'm sure they wouldn't feel very good if someone her wished for a sniper to take out the Queen or the British PM.
They ought to give some serious thought before they go out of the way to become the non-official organ of terrorists and assassins everywhere.
UPDATE: The Guardian has since posted a retraction and apology of sorts.
Charlie Brooker apologises for any offence caused by his comments relating to President Bush in his TV column, Screen Burn. The views expressed in this column are not those of the Guardian. Although flippant and tasteless, his closing comments were intended as an ironic joke, not as a call to action - an intention he believed regular readers of his humorous column would understand. He deplores violence of any kind.
I hope you'll excuse me if I find this half-assed "apology" a bit hard to swallow.
Posted by: mhking at
01:41 PM
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He deplores violence, yet condones assassination...? Interesting. I guess it's not a matter of "good" and "evil" and "right" and "wrong." It's a different CULTURE over there, right? Maybe I'm looking at this too, ah, black-and-white, as it were.
Precious article. Reminds me why I love Europeans so much. Oh, wait...
Posted by: Me at October 24, 2004 04:36 PM (ZlHWU)
"UK's Guardian encourages Bush's assassination" --- That makes it sound like Bush is going to be assassinated. --- "UK's Guardian wishes for Bush assassination" ?
"Precious article. Reminds me why I love Europeans so much. Oh, wait..." --- lol, exactly!
Posted by: Lune at October 24, 2004 07:55 PM (Yh6ma)
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October 23, 2004
New problems for Kerry campaign by Monday?
Powerline Blog is quoting unnamed sources today, pointing toward a front page story in a major newspaper for Monday morning that "could create a serious problem for the Kerry campaign."
We don't yet have any details, but it relates to a foreign policy issue, and it will call into question--amazingly enough--John Kerry's truthfulness.
Stay tuned.
Posted by: mhking at
02:44 PM
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Some in the rightwing blogoshere are abuzz with news of a major negative story about Kerry set to appear tomorrow in a rightwing rag run by lunatics. This already feels like their excitement during the primaries when the biggest shithead on the Internet "broke" the nonstory about Kerry's affair that never happened.
I suspect even worse, though. I suspect this is a nonstory precisely timed to be as disruptful as possible to the Kerry campaign, and it has been "leaked" (read:broadcast) to the angry legions of Bush bloggers so they can foment as much hysteria as possible. I don't know who is worse: the cynics who are playing these morons, or the morons who allow themselves to be played.
See more on http://counterpundit.blogspot.com
Posted by: William Trippe at October 24, 2004 08:50 AM (OIgGs)
Tippe, wouldn't it be a good idea to see what exactly everyone is babbling about before defining and tossing it aside?
Besides all that, I don't know how King feels but I find people advertising their blog on someone else's very annoying, if someone wants to hear more from you I imagine they would click on your name.
Posted by: Lune at October 24, 2004 08:07 PM (Yh6ma)
In general, Lune, you're right -- I don't like folks spamvertising on my blog; unless I miss my guess, Trippe was probably trying to do some form of trackback.
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for now; I presume he won't be spamvertising in that fashion -- plus I don't get the impression that he does that as a general rule. He just insults other bloggers (see his site for his fanciful names for Instapundit, Drudge and Michelle Malkin among others) as he spews his leftist viewpoint. [shrug]
Posted by: Michael at October 25, 2004 04:24 AM (bJ0qq)
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Monsters behead yet another Iraqi
AQ-affiliated terrorists beheaded yet another one -- this time, an Iraqi accused of the crime of "collaboration" with US forces.
As usual, The Jawa Report is on top of the story with still pictures and the streamed video. (WARNING: LINK CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES!)
Conflicting reports indicate that the man murdered by the Army of Ansar al-Sunnah in a new beheading video was named either Yassar Musil or Seif Adnan Kanaan. The following AP story, as well as the Reuters story in the extended entry, also miss some other crucial facts about the Army of Ansar al-Sunnah. For instance, just yesterday I reported that the Army of Ansar al-Sunnah praised John Kerry for his criticisms of the Bush administration. In the same communique, the group calls Osama bin Laden 'our sheik'--a reference of devotion and loyalty indicating an al Qaeda connection. Further, the group has solidified it's ties to Musab al-Zarqawi's Tawhid and Jihad terrorist organization which has recently pledged loyalty to al Qaeda. During the taped beheading of Turkish truck driver Ramadan Elbu on October 15th by the Army of Ansar al-Islam, one of the murderers identified himself as a follower of Zarqawi [information, video, and images here]. On October 11th, another individual claimed to be a member of Zarqawi's Tawhid and Jihad group on a beheading video released by the group--the victims were a Turkish truck driver and his Iraqi translator [information, video, and images here].
The AP story Dr. Shackleford refers to comes to us from Australia's
National Nine News.
Hopefully, the monsters will soon meet their own eternal (and suitably painful) punishment.
Posted by: mhking at
02:35 PM
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October 22, 2004
Happy 6,000th birthday, Universe?
British geologists are
celebrating the 6,000th anniversary of the birth of the universe today.
At 6pm tonight at the Geological Society of London, scientists will raise their glasses to James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh, who in 1650 used the chronology of the Bible to calculate the precise date and moment of creation.Working from the book of Genesis, and risking some speculation on the Hebrew calendar, he calculated that it began at 6pm on Saturday October 22, 4004 BC.
Actually, he put the date at October 23, and then pedantically realised that time must have begun the night before, because the Bible said that "the evening and the morning were the first day."
Of course that takes the Biblical description literally as opposed to allegorically, as many people believe.
One thing that this does not take into account, is that 6,000 years after 4004 BC is actually 1997AD -- seven years ago.
Posted by: mhking at
11:05 AM
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AQ hostage Margaret Hassan begs for life in new video

In a scenario that is unsettlingly reminiscent of the Paul Bigley kidnapping a month ago, CARE International's senior worker in Iraq, Margaret Hassan, kidnapped less than a week ago, was shown
pleading for her life on a video released to Al Jazeera earlier today.
"Please help me. Please help me," said a terrified Hassan, breaking down in tears and burying her face in a tissue. She said she might be killed like British hostage Kenneth Bigley, who was beheaded by his captors earlier this month."This might be my last hours," she said in the video aired by the Arabic television station Al-Jazeera. She begged the British people to "ask Mr. Blair to take the troops out of Iraq, and not to bring them here to Baghdad. That's why people like Mr. Bigely and myself are being caught. And maybe we will die like Mr. Bigley. Please, please, I beg of you."
Hassan, seen from the shoulders up only in the video, directed her pleas toward British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Hassan implored Blair to prevent British troops from coming to Baghdad.
Unlike past kidnappings, no deadline has been set for Coalition forces to respond to the kidnapper's would-be demands and Hassan's pleas. However, many fear that Hassan may become the first Western woman to be beheaded by the monsters as the days progress.
Posted by: mhking at
09:15 AM
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Ketchup Boy looking more like Elmer Fudd

John Kerry, looking more like Elmer Fudd than
American Sportsman, went goose hunting yesterday in Ohio.
Kerry stepped out of a field in a camouflage jacket and toting a 12-gauge shotgun, but with someone else carrying his goose.
"I'm too lazy," Kerry joked. "I'm still giddy over the Red Sox. It was hard to focus."
He was referring to the Red Sox ALCS win over the Yankees the night before. Kerry stayed up late watching the game, then got up for the 7AM hunting trip at a supporter's farm in Boardman, OH.
The GOP and the National Rifle Association criticized Kerry's obvious 2nd Amendment photo op.
Campaigning in Ohio, Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) on Thursday criticized Kerry's hunting excursion, saying, "The second amendment is more than just a photo opportunity."
The National Rifle Association said it bought a full-page ad in Thursday's Youngstown newspaper that says Kerry is posing as a sportsman while opposing gun-owners' rights. Kerry has denied NRA claims that he wants to "take away" guns, but he supported the ban on assault-type weapons and requiring background checks at gun shows
"If John Kerry thinks the Second Amendment is about photo ops, he's Daffy," says the ad the NRA said would run in The Vindicator. It features a large photo of Kerry with his finger on a shotgun trigger but looking in another direction.
Meanwhile, labor unions have been circulating fliers among workers that say Kerry won't take away guns. "He likes his own gun too much," says one of the fliers from the Building Trades Department of the AFL-CIO that features a picture of Kerry aiming a shotgun.
This begs the obvious question: Is Kerry's shotgun photo-op (sans goose, of course, lest he piss off the PETA crowd) every bit as stupid as the Dukakis tank photo-op in 1988?
It sounds like the Kerry campaign is in meltdown with stupid (Kerry's "gay" gaffe in the final debate) quote after stupid (Teresa Heinz-Ketchup's insult of teachers and librarians this week) quote after stupid (Kerry's "Elmer Fudd" photo op yesterday) image.
How long before he pisses off yet another group of Americans with his obvious pandering and idiotic statements? I'm sure he "has a plan" to prevent himself from looking stupid. But of course, he'll never let us in on what his plan is.
Posted by: mhking at
03:11 AM
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October 21, 2004
Martha Stewart: Helping fellowing inmates with microwave cooking

Martha Stewart is taking up her time in prison by helping her fellow inmates with their microwave recipes. Meanwhile, her lawyers are working on her appeal.
"She's making the best of what's necessarily a difficult situation," lawyer Walter Dellinger said on NBC's "Today." "There is no freedom. It's regimented. She has no privacy. They are subject to strip searches. But she's so resilient."the appeals brief, made public Thursday, argues prosecutors and the trial judge kept the jury from understanding the difference.
"A barrage of pre-trial leaks and in-court accusations left the indelible impression that she was guilty of that offense," it says. "Tarring Stewart with an uncharged, highly inflammatory crime was fundamentally unfair."
Because inmates can only use a microwave to do their own cooking, Stewart is working with fellow prisoners to "come up with some creative recipes" based on the limited number of ingredients available at the prison commissary, Dellinger said.
"She has a group that is cooking," he said. "She is trying to figure out innovative ways to do microwave cooking which is all they have."
Stewart is serving a five-month sentence at the minimum-security federal women's prison in Alderson, WV.
Posted by: mhking at
03:49 PM
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October 20, 2004
Why Black Voters Will Cost Kerry The Presidency

The Horserace Blog has a detailed dissertation as to
why black voters will cost Ketchup Boy the White House.
Regular readers are well aware that I think this election is over, that George W. Bush will be reelected. There are two reasons why I think this is the case:1. Kerry is going to under-perform badly among black voters relative to GoreÂ’s performance in 2000.
2. Bush is going to over-perform among Catholics relative to his performance in 2000.
Two weeks ago, the latest Pew Poll came out showing Kerry enjoying 70% support among blacks. Just today The Center for Policy and Economic Studies announced that in their poll, Kerry enjoyed 69% support among blacks compared to 18% for Bush. They conducted a similar poll at the same point in the 2000 race. It showed Gore 74%, Bush 9%. According to this poll, then, Kerry is underperforming among blacks by roughly 14% of the vote, a statistically significant difference. What would that mean if these numbers hold for the next month?
Further analysis on the black electorate and the remainder of the election process can be found at
The Horserace Blog, which has now found a place in the blogroll.
Posted by: mhking at
11:23 AM
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Sometimes I wish I were black so I could not vote for Kerry and make it hurt worse
Posted by: Sharp as a Marble at October 20, 2004 12:28 PM (VxPRK)
Have you seen this?
Summary: A recent Pew Research Center poll released Wednesday has Kerry winning among white Catholics 50%-43%.
What do you make of it?
Posted by: Gol at October 22, 2004 05:39 AM (8FL1r)
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Edwards & Joker, separated at birth

'Nuff said.
Posted by: mhking at
09:11 AM
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Kerry says he'll discontinue terror alerts; head in sand works better

John Kerry says that
he'll quit using the color-coded terror alert system that's been in use since shortly after 9/11, in a new
Rolling Stone interview by publisher Jann Wenner being published late this week.
"I think Americans, sadly, laugh at it," Kerry said, referring to the alerts in an interview to be published Friday in Rolling Stone. "They don't know what to do."
The interview includes a response from Kerry to the Swift Boat Veterans group that has put commercials opposing his candidacy on television.
Kerry said he felt "a sense of bitter disappointment" by the ads run by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth that questioned his conduct and the medals he received as a naval lieutenant during the Vietnam War. But he insisted he and others had dealt effectively with the ad controversy, despite widespread criticism that his campaign had been slow to respond."Look, when people hold up something that's a complete and total lie, it takes a few days to show people and convince them. We did. They've been completely discredited," Kerry said. "I was surprised that the media, even when they knew it was lies, continued to cover it and treat it as entertainment."
Rolling Stone is on the record as supporting the removal of President Bush by any means necessary. The magazine's support of Kerry is well known, and has had several articles supportive of the candidate over the course of the year.
Posted by: mhking at
08:33 AM
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Britian stopped the terror alerts because they found it wasn't effective. I've read the same thing happened with Israel.
No one pays attention to them.
Posted by: DarkStar at October 20, 2004 04:29 PM (cnw1A)
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Proof that Jimmy Carter is ready for "Shady Pines"

Former President Jimmy Carter, appearing on MSNBC's
Hardball on Monday evening,
uttered words that I would never have though I'd hear from a president, sitting or former.
I think another parallel is that in some ways the Revolutionary War could have been avoided. It was an unnecessary war.
I think it's time for Jimmuh to consider that retirement home down in south Georgia.
Posted by: mhking at
05:56 AM
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But what he didn't mention was that the British were in North America for the O-I-L....
Posted by: Mad Mikey at October 20, 2004 08:54 AM (xGZ+b)
He's right. It might have been avoided with a compromise. Of course, here's what North America would have looked like:
1) The Original colonies probably would have divided into three countries--North, MidAtlantic & South-- any deal with Britain would have precluded expansion to the Midwest--they would have kept that fot themselves. Without expansion, the slavery issue & economics would have torn the colonies apart.
2) The "midwest" of Ohio, Ill, etc. probably would be its own separate country
3) Napoleon never would have relinquished the Lousiana Territory to Britain--so there's another country
4)Florida? Its own country.
5) Texas & the the southwest-- either on its own, or part of an expanded Mexico, especially if "english" settlers couldn't cross "French" Louisiana
6) Washington & Oregon probably stay with England--or western Canada-- or on their own
7) Alaska? Russian or independent
So, a "compromise" with Britain probably would have led to 11 or 12 countries on North America, instead of 3. Which would look alot like...Europe. Which was the focal point for how many millions of deaths in the wars of the 19th & 20th Centuries?
Jimmy Carter. I can't believe anyone talks to him about foreign policy.
Jimmy Carter. Which is Latin for "Neville Chamberlein.
Posted by: Tony Iovino at October 20, 2004 09:01 AM (zWXzw)
Yes. What DO we do with loose cannons who happen to be former presidents?
Posted by: Sissy Willis at October 20, 2004 10:12 AM (53FkQ)
What do we do?
I think we should get Jimmy to pass the joint around......and quit holdin it for so damn long & bogardin the weed. President Dumbass has clearly taken a few hits too many.
Now, can a brotha get a hit or what? Pass it to the left like you 'posed to, James.
Posted by: Beau at October 22, 2004 03:00 AM (ZlPLu)
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"It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim; dead, Jim; dead, Jim..."

When's the last time anyone heard from the elusive Osama Bin Laden?
To be exact -- and if you even believe it was him -- it was the May 7 audio tape offering gold for the assassination of Jerry Bremer.
Prior to that was the European "truce" offered by audio tape that showed up in the wake of the Spanish train bombings, which, if memory serves, was unauthenticated by the CIA. Then was an audio tape that surfaced on Al Jazeera in early January.
Last time we SAW him? A year ago -- October 19, 2003 -- a video of Osama with no sound, looking hale and hearty (in stark contrast to the frail-looking Osama from the Tora Bora bombing era of December 2001) picking his way up a slope in an unidentified rocky region.
Gregory Djerejian points out the signs that are becoming increasingly obvious: that Osama is as dead as Elvis, lest he show up at your corner 7-Eleven.
Folks, bottom line: we have to go all the way back to December 26th 2001 to see a video of UBL that really seems to get close to passing a smell test evidencing that's he actually, you know, alive (and he didn't look too smashing in it either).
Now, does anyone seriously believe that UBL wouldn't, if he were alive, be doing his very damnedest to release a tape, soonest, rubbing Bush's nose in it for not having caught him--dead or alive? Just as a little pre-election present, say, maybe to give the opposition a little assist in hyping the disingenous Tora Bora meme? Doubtless, he would, no? Unless, of course, he's dead. Which, I'm beginning to feel pretty comfortable concluding, may well be the happy reality as we sit here today.
But then again, I guess if Osama were truly dead, it would completely torpedo the Kerry arguement of military attention to "the target."
Posted by: mhking at
05:32 AM
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October 19, 2004
Are you crazy? Take the test and find out here
Click the link to take the
Insanity Test:
Turn on the Speakers and allow the page to load fully
Stare at the Picture without laughing for 60 seconds
If you start laughing consider yourself legally insane
For the record, I made it for about five seconds.
Then I lost it. Completely.
I'm still wiping tears out of my eyes.
Posted by: mhking at
03:15 PM
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I didn't laugh. That was the soundtrack to my wedding video.
Posted by: Tony Iovino at October 19, 2004 05:57 PM (0eViP)
Posted by: Dodd at October 20, 2004 10:34 AM (XCbDl)
that was cute... but I didn't laugh. That was the soundtrack to my honeymoon night.
Posted by: Joshua at October 20, 2004 04:16 PM (Itkit)
3 seconds, maybe. But I already knew I was a bit unhinged.
Posted by: Samantha at October 21, 2004 04:38 PM (sYFP3)
I didn't even make it 2 seconds. They're coming to take me away...
Posted by: david at October 22, 2004 10:44 PM (Vr+Pw)
Posted by: ncentrey at November 19, 2004 11:39 AM (+7VNs)
Posted by: captain planet at August 12, 2005 06:29 PM (ZFxVl)
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Kid swallows cocaine & dies, mother sues police

Parents of a 16 year-old boy who died after swallowing cocaine are suing the city of Dearborn, MI's police department for $50 million dollars.
Lawyers for the family of Quantrell Pryor claim that police saw Pryor swallow the cocaine, yet did not take him to the hospital until it was too late to save the boy.
"The doctor said if he would have gotten here in 30 minutes or earlier, or even an hour earlier it would have made such a difference," said LaTanya Pryor, the teen's mother.Dearborn police stopped Pryor last Tuesday outside the JC Penney department store at Fairlane Mall when they noticed the left rear window was broken out in the vehicle he was driving.
Pryor panicked and swallowed cocaine he had in his possession, according to the station's reports.
Pryor was taken by squad car to the Dearborn police station at about 5 p.m. Police said he repeatedly denied that he had ingested any drugs when questioned by officers.
Pryor was transferred by ambulance to Oakwood Hospital from police custody after going into convulsions inside an observation cell at about 6:20 p.m., police said.
Several questions beg to be asked here: firstly,
if police officers
did see him swallow the cocaine, does normal procedure suggest they automatically take him to the hospital? Secondly, the mother appears, at least from the published reports in the local press, not to deal with any of her son's guilt. It's all the fault of the police, in her mind.
It sounds like she's more concerned with the money, her claims to the contrary notwithstanding.
I'm sorry. The cops, nor the city, are not responsible for her son's stupidity.
Posted by: mhking at
06:09 AM
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Darwinism at its finest.
Posted by: Sharp as a Marble at October 19, 2004 06:15 AM (VxPRK)
If they did know he had ingested a large amount and i emphasise the if, then they should have taken him to a hospital. That said the guy sounds like a complete plank. If you are carrying enough on you for the police to hit you with trafficking or intent to distribute then it is likely to be a quantity large enough to kill you if you eat it.
Posted by: young-white-and-liberal at October 19, 2004 06:38 AM (E1ciy)
The blame should be on the root of the cause, which was him having illegal drugs in the first place. And I know his mother knew he either sold drugs or used them. So why is the police being blamed? Instead of the police being sued, the mother should be taken to jail for manslaughter for not preventing her son to use/sell illegal drugs.
Posted by: Tavares Forby at October 19, 2004 06:58 AM (QvwDm)
Posted by: Lola at October 19, 2004 11:51 AM (V1eTE)
Posted by: beau at October 22, 2004 03:01 AM (ZlPLu)
Posted by: dayady at October 25, 2004 01:41 PM (+7VNs)
First of that is my cousin life that was taken away. It doesn't matter if he sold or used drugs. No one deserves to die in the fashion. He was treated like he was nothing and to Tavares and Beau put your one of your family memebers in the situtation, you wouldnt feel that way. You cant watch you child every movement. So in no way is LaTony guilty of anything. If anything those dirty a.., police officers are guilty because they didn't have any value for his life nor their job. I hope they are put under the jail and abused for the way they did Quanny, beaten and left to die. They should suffer to the maxium extent
Posted by: Crystal at November 12, 2004 11:44 AM (6krEN)
why is it that parents always find someone else to blame for their kid's behavior. It is obvious that the mother did not teach her child the dangers of drugs. Why is she trying to blame the cops for her bad parenting? I feel bad for this kid because he should not have died this way. However, I also believe that if the cops did see him swallow the cocaine and they chose not to do anything, then they are just as guilty as the mother for not intervening. After all he was just a kid.
Posted by: ncentrey at November 19, 2004 11:30 AM (+7VNs)
Me and my Brother DRE was his friend for about 6 years until i moved from the Plymonth Square projects where we stay for about 12 years. I hope his mother wins, R.i.p
Posted by: Joshua Richardson at December 07, 2004 09:59 AM (Ad6Z6)
What the F**K Beau that was my nigga that died and you make fun of S**T like that H*. Just no when someone in your family dies think of what F**K you said H*.And Ms. Pryor thought him every thing she could and my Nigga did what he had to do.
Posted by: Joshua Richardson at December 07, 2004 10:14 AM (Ad6Z6)
Quanny was a friend of mine and there was a time when we got to be on a very close level. What a lot of people may not understand is no matter what he was doing whether it was wrond or not, his life should not be gone away because of it. He was special and very smart if you really listened to what he was saying. It is sad that people could be so simple minded in saying that it was his mother's fault or that he was dumb. Have a little compassion for his soul and the people still here on earth that cared about him. In no way was it his mother's fault Quanny knew exactly what he was doing and believe me his mind may have been made up but in no way should his life be gone for any reason because it could have been prevented. I know he was probably scared and you have to realize that we all make mistakes but the mistake that Quanny made should not have cost him his life. The Dearborne police knew exactly what they were doing and it is very cruel and evil that the officers that arrested him didn't help him and treated him like a dog. No matter if what he was doing was illegal Quanny could have still been her his death was preventable. He is gone because those B****es wanted him to be gone. He was only 16 and today is his birthdayhe would have been 17 but he is gone ang yes I took him for granted but we all miss him.
Posted by: Corinne at December 15, 2004 04:30 AM (/2TmF)
some people in this world are just cruel. Here some of you are making fun of this kid(beau)and he lost his life. That kid was only 17 years old and swallowing the crack cocaine was probably A first reaction.If he was scared then you can not blame him. but you can blame the dearborn police for being stupid and inconsiderate of a young black males life. obviously if they asked him questions about ingesting the drug then they knew what he had done. they should have taken him to the hospital. It is not his mothers fault at all. she could only tell her son right from wrong and trust that he listens. We have lost a life of yet another young black male that could have been successful.
Posted by: kandy at December 19, 2004 05:58 AM (ywZa8)
Seems like stuff like this happens with the Daerborn police. Geoffrey Feiger(yeah, I know he's an idiot!) has a lawsuit going against them over an incident where some officers were called to the scene of a disturbance in east Dearborn. A 17 year old kid had his neck broken when he was, according to Feiger, was assaulted by the police. I've been verbally abused and threatened by a Dearborn cop during a traffic stop. Sure, I was driving like a knucklehead but that didn't give him the right to tell me that "someone may just drag my ass behind one of these buildings and beat the hell out of me" for driving stupid in Dearborn. But, what can I do about it? Nothing. Who would the mayor or police chief believe if I told them about that incident?
Posted by: shark at December 22, 2004 03:58 PM (Wa4Ax)
It's sad that the kid died.
However, if you swallow your stash what happens next is your fault -- particularly if you deny doing it and the police don't have any hard evidence that you did.
The police do not have the right to force you to empty your stomach without probable cause: to save the kid's life would have violated his rights.
The kid would rather die than tell the truth about the crack he swallowed, and the law grants him that right. It was a brave choice. It was his choice.
Posted by: The Right to Die at January 12, 2005 04:28 PM (/eYeo)
another case of someone just trying to make a buck. The crack heads mother is the one just trying to make the buck or 50 million. His life was not even worth that much. It is his responsibility to tell the police if he swallowed the crack after being pulled over for driving in a stolen car. Dismiss the lawsuit!!!
Posted by: a at February 06, 2005 01:14 PM (1R5LM)
if your going to swallow crack do it on your own time and your own watch not on the time of police officer which they may be held resonsible for your actions in the world we live in. The police did noting wrong. They should not be responsible at all.
Posted by: he committed suicide at February 06, 2005 01:17 PM (1R5LM)
Quanny was my friend he was real cool he stayed in the same square where my aunt use to stay. I moved from detroit to south carolina and im just now finding out. I personaly dont think that the comments are called for(Beau)and it's not ms.reeds fault it is dearborn police fault because obviously they must of seen him swalloe something and asked him about it knowing they should of takeing him to the hospital. But it be alright god go take care cause he knows who's responsible.
Ms.Reed keep ya head up and stay strong you need help im always in the square wit ms.C
R.I.P. Quanny lu v ya and see when i get there.
Posted by: Elisha at February 11, 2005 01:38 AM (FTlIl)
No matter which way this is looked at people are going to think what they what to. If you were there at the time that this happened then you really don't know what happened. No, the kid did not deserve to die, but he is the one that killed himself and that sucks for his family. But the blame is not the police. They did not put the crack in his mouth and make him eat it. And the mom trying to get money is not going to get her son back. When things go wrong people always look for someone to blame, which in this case is the police. If the police weren't there then people that were close to the kid would blame whoever else was around. Do you really think the officers wanted that kid to die? What do they get out of it? Nothing but promblems. He was doing something wrong and got caught. And the out comes sucks for all parties involved. The officer have to live with it and so dose the mom. And the one to blame is the kid. It sucks for someone you love to die, but what can you do when they do it to themselves.
Posted by: Jordan at February 14, 2005 08:11 AM (NmdrC)
I think its the police fault...They dont hardly ever do they job..but when they see a young black man in a car they mess with them..Lets b honest the po pos thought he was in a stolen car but he wasnt! Anyway Quanny was one of BestFriends so i jus here to show a lil of my luv! And for all yall that think Ms.Reed is trying to get some money can kiss my a55...Fuk all ya'll, u only kno what u heard! Which is nothing! Love ya Quannie!
Posted by: Teonna aka Lucky at February 20, 2005 10:48 AM (ywZa8)
I am sorry that the kid died. It is not the fault of the police, or his mother, that he swallowed the crack. He swallowed the crack and he died. Crack is illegal because it is bad for you. He know the crack was illegal, that's why he swallowed it.
If you shoot at a cop and they shoot back at you is that the fault of the cop?
Posted by: Dearborn Resident at May 10, 2005 10:03 AM (Ezrcu)
listen,, first the paper said that he was in a stolen vehicle, next his so called friend that was with him fled, next he had crack on him,,,, whos at fault???? the police always seem to be the blame but maybe,, just maybe it was the youths fault for following his peers. its sad that he died but maybe if he woulda said he swallowed crack the police woulda taken him to the hospital 1st. hmmmmm? sounds reasonable and we are all human,,, not perfect
Posted by: concerned person at May 11, 2005 03:21 PM (HF9SW)
The police are definitely not the ones at fault. The mother is not the one at fault. The boy who did this probably didn't realize that it would kill him, it's sad but ultimately it was the worst choice of his life.
Suing the city for money won't bring him back, all the money in the world won't bring him back.
Posted by: Unfortunate at May 18, 2005 08:12 AM (Q83x+)
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