August 31, 2004

MSNBC's Chris Matthews physically attacked on the air

MSNBC's "attack dog" Chris Matthews was himself attacked while on the air today -- by a man in a black mask and hood, yelling something about Abu Ghraib (according to Indymedia's account of the incident).

a protester in a black hood rushed past the barricade right next to Chris Matthew yelling something about abu ghraib and was immediately tackled.

The cameras IMMEDIATELY cut away and they went to a reporter inside Madison Square garden. The people at MSNBC, though completely surrounded by protesters, have been ignoring them completely.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...
UPDATE: has a more clear description of what happened.
"A protester jumped a fence and ran onto a stage being used by MSNBC during a live broadcast tonight at New York's Herald Square. It happened at 7:38pm during a broadcast of 'Hardball.' Host Chris Matthews was on the set with Christie Todd Whitman, NBC correspondent David Gregory, Newsweek's Howard Fineman and commentator Sherry Annis were on the outdoor set in midtown Manhattan when the incident occured." He "was immediately subdued by security working for the network.
There is a live video capture of the "event," (MPG format) pulled from the on-air broadcast as it happened.

Posted by: mhking at 03:38 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Frances now at CAT 4, Jacksonville/Brunswick under the gun for Sunday landfall

Hurricane Frances has sustained winds of 140 MPH right now, and is still moving westward at 15 MPH. Hurricane Warnings and Watches are up for the Eastern and Central Bahamas as Frances is expected to hand a gradual right turn that will take up through the Bahamas and ultimately to strike the coast of the US.

The National Hurricane Center currently is projecting a strike solution that has Frances coming ashore as a CAT 4 or 5 storm near Jacksonville on Sunday.

More than one of the forecast models include the storm as not only striking the Northern part of Florida, but coming inland enough to give us grief even here in Atlanta.

Remembering what happened in 1995 when Hurricane Opal came in from the Gulf enough to cause grief here, I figure I need to get to the store soon. When Opal came in, our power ended up out for two days.

Once Hurricane Warnings go up for Florida, HurricaneCity will start streaming live non-stop coverage, plus there will be television and radio stations that will stream non-stop coverage.

Although the NHS is calling for a Jacksonville landfall, everyone along the Eastern Seaboard needs to watch this thing. Not only that, but the Gulf Coast is not out of the woods yet. If Frances does not turn, it'll plow through the Florida Straits like a hot knife through butter and sail on into the Gulf, which brings a completely new set of problems.

This is going to be one heck of a weekend weather-wise.

Everyone get ready now.

Posted by: mhking at 10:44 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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The Bush Tax Cut simplified: It ain't just the "rich" who benefits

I've been challenged repeatedly by those who have gotten upset over the "Bush Tax Cut" (they usually spit behind that to show their disgust). The usual argument is that the tax cuts only benefit "the rich," as if this nebulous description describes folks in their lofty mansions and expensive condos (after all, if they can afford homes like that, they should pay out more to the rest of us, right?), without defining who "the rich" is.

Tavares Forby, a relatively new member of my blogroll, lays the truth out more succinctly.

Many liberals claim that the Bush tax cut only benefits the wealthy. Anyone with basic math skills can prove this is not true. Actually, “President Bush tax cut” cuts the most on the lowest income bracket. The income tax goes as follows for filing single:

Current Tax:

$0-$27,050 15%

New Tax


This chart breaks down per income tax bracket on the differences of income taxes comparing President Bush tax cut vs. current taxes.

$0-$6,000 from 15% to 10%: down 3%
$6,000-$27,050no change: 0%
$27,050-$65,550from 28% to 25%: down 11%
$65,550-$136,750from 31% to 25%: down 19%
$136,750-$297,350from 36% to 33%: down 8%
$297,350+from 39.6% to 33%: down 16%

As we can see from this chart, the tax bracket $0-$6,000 has the greatest decrease in taxes which is 33%. The only tax bracket that was not effected was the tax bracket $6,000-$27,050. The second greatest decrease in taxes is 19% from tax bracket $65,550-$136,750. This is proof that President Bush tax cut is not only for the wealthy, but also for the lower and middle income tax bracket.

So by the leftists' definition, we all are part of "the rich," and we all get to benefit.

But we're supposed to be the bad guys, right? Yeah....right.

Posted by: mhking at 04:43 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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AQ slaughters 12 Nepalese hostages by beheading in Iraq

News of this latest genocidal atrocity just in from Sky News:

Twelve Nepalese hostages have been beheaded by their captors in Iraq.

The hostages were kidnapped by the Islamist Army of Ansar al-Sunna, which has shown a video of the slaughter.

The footage, which apprears on the army's website, show militants apparently slitting the throats of their hostages.

A statement on the website said: "We have carried out the sentence of God against 12 Nepalese who came from their country to fight the Muslims and to serve the Jews and the Christians ... believing in Buddha as their God."

Wholesale decapitation slaughter. It's enough to turn your stomach.

More details are to follow...

UPDATE 11:15A ET:My Pet Jawa has the horrific still photos of the beheading slaughter, while Short Family Online has the video. Both the decapitation video and stills are for the strong of constitution only!

After hearing from several folks this morning, one word has emerged, one that should strike fear and terror in the hearts of these predators. Of course, as stupid as AQ is, it probably won't, at least not until it's too late. The word? Gurkha.

(More coverage from Backcountry Conservative & others)

Posted by: mhking at 02:27 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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August 30, 2004

Get outta the way! He's gonna blow!

I couldn't resist....

Posted by: mhking at 06:54 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Michael "Fatass" Moore tries to crash RNC floor

Filmmaker Michael Moore, brandishing a messenger's pass, tried to get past Secret Service agents and onto the floor of the Republican National Convention this evening.

He ended up in the "cheap seats" during Senator John McCain's speech.

When McCain referred to Moore and his lies, Moore flashed the "'L' for Loser" sign at him.

While McCain's tone was mostly conciliatory, he criticized Michael Moore, whose documentary film "Fahrenheit 9-11" attacks Bush over Iraq and has been popular with liberal audiences. Without mentioning Moore by name, McCain called him "a disingenuous film maker who would have us believe that Saddam's Iraq was an oasis of peace."
Maybe they shoulda hit him with a taser three or four times...reduce him to a quivvering mass of gelatin.

Oops, I forgot....he already is a quivvering mass of gelatin!

Posted by: mhking at 05:54 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Actress Rosario Dawson arrested near GOP protests

Actress Rosario Dawson, from Kids, Josie & the Pussycats, and the in-production Frank Miller's Sin City, was arrested along with the director of the upcoming This Revolution, Stephen Marshall.

According to the criminal complaint, Dawson and Marshall were spotted in a road with about 30 people gathered around them. She and another person were wearing handkerchiefs as masks with only their eyes showing.

A police officer told Dawson and the other person that they had to leave the roadway, the complaint said, but they reportedly refused. Marshall reportedly tried to show police his city film permit but was arrested anyway.

Each was charged with two counts of disorderly conduct and one charge of obstructing governmental administration. They were released without bail and told to return to court Nov. 9.

The pair were taken into custody around noon on Sunday about a block from Madison Square Garden.

Posted by: mhking at 04:53 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Blogads on board & R/J stuff for sale...

Well, as you can see from the rail over there on the right side, I've received my first BlogAd, coming from Joel Gaines at No Pundit Intended.

Thanks, Joel! I really appreciate it!

And to anyone else, (yes, this is a shameless plug) please feel free to buy an ad or perhaps to buy some swag, as noted down on the left rail. I've got mugs and t-shirts that say "Black and Unapologetically Conservative" and "Unapologetically Conservative" (for those who aren't as "melanin endowed" as I am).

I'm looking at adding a few other things over the next few weeks, so feel free!

And once again, to Joel and to everyone, thanks for your support!

Posted by: mhking at 09:09 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Ed Koch visits Bloggers Row at the RNC

With the Republican National Convention in full stride, one of the early speakers, former Democratic NYC mayor Ed Koch, stopped by the "Bloggers Row" area of the convention hall to talk with the folks in attendance, and discuss his support for the President.

Koch welcomed the delegates to New York, and introduced Mayor Michael Bloomberg this morning.

Posted by: mhking at 08:49 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Former Atlanta mayor Bill "No Lip" Campbell indicted

Former Atlanta mayor Bill Campbell has been indicted on corruption charges.

Campbell is accused of a long string of corruption, racketeering and tax fraud charges.

The detailed 48-page indictment was returned by the federal grand jury on Aug. 18, but was unsealed this morning.

It accuses Campbell of:

  • Taking payoffs from individuals and companies doing business with and seeking business and licenses with the city;
  • Defrauding the citizens of Atlanta by depriving them of his "good, faithful and honest services as mayor;"
  • Failing to disclose cash payments and other things of value he received while serving as mayor.
  • Encouraging and accepting illegal campaign contributions for his re-election as mayor in 1997.
  • Participating in a scheme to defraud contributors to and creditors of his re-election campaign;
  • Recruiting others, including city employees, to "knowingly and unknowingly participate in the pattern of racketeering activity."
Specifically, the indictment charges that Campbell took $55,000 in illegal payments from a computer subcontractor in June, July and August of 1999. The payments were made to secure city contracts, according to the indictment.

The indictment claims in the spring of 1999 the computer subcontractor, the business' name is not disclosed, approached Campbell about a contract.

Campbell has been the target of a federal probe for the past five years. Campbell's gamblings habits and lifestyle have long raised eyebrows among investigators and others.

Campbell, now an attorney with Willie Gary's law firm in Florida, calls the investigation a "witch hunt of unbelieveable proportions," and that his name will be cleared in court.

Posted by: mhking at 06:49 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Another toy found in FL candy depicts Osama bin Laden

Florida-based Lisy Corporation is at the center of another toy scandal.

If you'll remember the story from late last week, Lisy Corporation distributed bags of candy that contained a toy depicting the 9/11 disaster. Lisy recalled the candy in question, and said that a Miami importer got the toy for them.

The importer, L and M Imports, claimed that they didn't see the problem.

This week, a toy has been found with an image of Osama bin Laden standing between two towers.

"Importers did not realize what they were buying. They were buying assortments of toys and they get to people like us trying to sell authentic Mexican candies. Nobody caught it and it went out into the stores," explains Lisy Corporation manager Luis Pardon.

The manager of Lisy Corporation says the candy was originally purchased sight unseen, but now he'll send back all he's collected.

Hopefully, we won't see any more of these toys out there.

Posted by: mhking at 06:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Republican National Convention is underway...

Live, gavel-to-gavel coverage of the RNC can be found online from C-Span (Real Player) and from ABC News Now (Real Player - check your broadband portal news page for the link -- it varies from service to service). Off and on continuing coverage is also available from BBC World (WMP).

As with the DNC in Boston last month, broadcast television coverage is more fleeting as the networks only carry an hour per night on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Of course, everyone will carry Vice President Dick Cheney's speech on Wednesday, and President Bush's speech on Thursday night.

Posted by: mhking at 05:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 29, 2004

When you thought it was all clear, more tropical weather looms

A new tropical storm, Tropical Storm Hermine, has formed off of Cape Hattaras, NC. This is on the heels of Tropical Storm Gaston, which came ashore earlier today near Charleston, SC.

And of course, as most weather watchers know by now, powerful Hurricane Frances looms east of Puerto Rico, headed toward Florida. By Friday, Frances is expected to be in the Bahamas, with it's US target anyone's guess (as if Florida needed any more heartache).

This is going to make for an interesting week, to say the least.

Jim Williams at has started live broadcasting coverage of the storms. They are going to run several hours tonight, and throughout the week.

I anticipate that non-stop coverage from Jim will start once Hurricane Warnings are issued for Florida. Stay tuned.

Posted by: mhking at 03:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 28, 2004

Black delegates at 2004 RNC double the number of 2000

The 167 black delegates at the Republican National Convention beginning Monday are more than double the number that attended in 2000, according to a new study from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.

“This dramatic increase in African American delegate participation is a remarkable showing for the Republican convention, and it will be interesting to see whether it filters into the voting booths come November,” said Joint Center president Eddie N. Williams. “Our polling since the 2000 election has indicated some increasing support for Republicans among younger African Americans, although as shown in the 2002 midterms, this generally has not translated into more votes for the GOP.”
Black delegates make up nearly 7 percent of the total number of delegates, the largest percentage since the 1912 GOP convention at 6 percent.

Increases in the black Republican vote have been fleeting though. The black vote for George W. Bush was around 9% of the total black vote in 2000, and the expectation is that a number of 10-11% will vote Republican this fall.

While most people feel that this represents a failure in the GOP's overall outreach, I count a single percentage point increase as a victory -- it indicates that there is an increase in conservative political thought in black America, and as I've said repeatedly, we (as conservatives in general, and black conservatives in particular) must "crawl before we walk."

Posted by: mhking at 03:39 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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August 27, 2004

AQ claims to have downed AA flight over Brooklyn in 2001

A captured Al Qaeda operative says that a man from Montreal, who trained with the 9/11 hijackers in Afghanistan, was responsible for the downing of American Airlines flight 587 shortly after it took off from JFK November 12, 2001.

Canadian Security Intelligence Service agents were told during five days of interviews with the source that Abderraouf Jdey, a Canadian citizen also known as Farouk the Tunisian, had downed the plane with explosives on Nov. 12, 2001.

The source claimed Jdey had used his Canadian passport to board Flight 587 and "conducted a suicide mission" with a small bomb similar to the one used by convicted shoe bomber Richard Reid, a "Top Secret" Canadian government report says.

Jdey, 39, came to Canada from Tunisia in 1991 and became a citizen in 1995. Shortly after getting his Canadian passport, he left for Afghanistan and trained with some of the Sept. 11 hijackers, according to the 9/11 commission in the United States.

He recorded a "martyrdom" video, but was dropped from the 9/11 mission after returning to Canada in the summer of 2001. The planner of the World Trade Center attack, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, claims Jdey was recruited for a "second wave" of suicide attacks.

Officials are still standing behind their assessment that the doomed plane crashed as the result of a tragic accident.

American Airlines flight 587 descended into a Brooklyn neighborhood shortly after takeoff from Kennedy Airport, killing all 265 people aboard.

Posted by: mhking at 12:36 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Pulled toy depicts 9/11 disaster

A company in Miami has pulled more than 17,000 toys that were in bags of candy after a customer complained.

The toy in question appears to depict a plane hitting one of two "twin towers," not unlike the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster in New York.

A company called Lisy Corporation distributes the candy bags. They said they are also offended by the toy and have pulled 17,000 of the toys.

Lisy says they bought the toys, sight unseen, from L and M Import/Export of Miami. We talked to L and M and they say they have no problem at all with the toy and don't consider it offensive at all.

We even pointed out to the import company that every single toy has a stock number on the front that reads "9011." L and M Imports didn't find it all coincidental and said it's just a toy. Asked if they'd talk on camera, they said there is nothing to talk about.

Sounds like L and M's people are completely clueless. Either that or they just plain don't care.

Posted by: mhking at 12:23 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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NBA Olympians fall flat, lose to Argentina 89-81

Nobody in their right mind (at least on THIS side of the pond) thought the US basketball team was serious about winning this year.

The team, who had been beaten even before they left the States, didn't look like they were serious on the floor in any of their wins.

The team didn't play as a cohesive unit -- they were a team of "stars" who didn't know how to play together. Their defensive skills were pathetic at best. Their "holier-than-thou" attitude off the court didn't help much either. They refused to stay in the Olympic Village, opting to stay in the Athens Harbor aboard the Queen Mary 2.

And ultimately, they were outplayed by a better team in Argentina.

Argentina, with almost the same roster that made history in 2002 by becoming the first team to defeat a U.S. squad of NBA players, will compete for the gold medal against the winner of Friday's late game between Lithuania and Italy.

The Argentines were the better passers, shooters and defenders. They confronted the Americans with a mixture of man-to-man and zone defenses, and confounded them with an assortment of back picks that turned the start of the second half into a layup drill.

The Americans shot just 36 percent in the first half and didn't hit their first 3-pointer -- missing their first five -- until LeBron James made one 30 seconds before halftime.

Like I said. They got outplayed and outclassed by a better team.

Message to the NBA players: Take a lesson from the USA women. They are hungry, they know how to play as a team, and they understand the significance of The Games. You obviously don't.

Message to the USOC: Go back to collegiate players -- they are hungry, and are able to play ball with the rest of the world without turning their game into a joke.

Message to NBA Commissioner David Stern (who was at the game): Congratulations. You've turned the US national basketball team into a joke and laughing stock.

Posted by: mhking at 10:37 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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Explain THIS, Ketchup Boy!

From C-Span's coverage of recently returned Vietnam veteran John Kerry's statements before a Congressional Subcommittee on November 9, 1971:

"For a lot of these guys, particularly and these are the most significant numbers of people who saw combat in Vietnam --your minority groups . . . the one thing they have been taught how to do as one of them said very well, he said this at hearings before congress he said “you know I learned how to do two things while I was in the army one was to be an accountant and I can’t get a job as an accountant in this country, and the other thing I was taught how to do was kill” And I think that all of these men have a intense capacity for violence."
Oh, but I forgot...Ketchup Boy doesn't want us to talk about what he did after he came back from 'Nam, right?

Posted by: mhking at 08:21 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Russia finds proof of terrorist explosive in plane crash

Russian investigators have found traces of explosives in at least one of the two plane crashes there this week. The FSB says this prooves that at least one of the crashes was a "terrorist act."

Details of the discovery came after an Islamic group claimed responsibility for the crashes in a website statement.

Investigators are still working to decode the flight data recorders from the crashes, which left 89 people dead.

Russian aviation officials have confirmed that one of the planes, a Sibir Airlines Tu-154, sent out a hijack alert just before it crashed, Russian media report.

The FSB says the traces of explosive were found amid the debris of the Tu-154, which was flying to the Black Sea resort of Sochi when it disappeared from radar shortly after the pilot pressed the SOS button.

The same explosive, hexogen, was apparently used in a series of apartment bombings in 1999 that killed around 200 people.

In a website statement on Friday, a group called the Islamic Brigades said it had five people on board each aircraft. It warned this act would be followed by others "until the killings of our Muslim brothers in Chechnya cease".

As they focus closer on the passengers of the flights, on at least one flight, a female passenger did come from the region of Chechnya, home of a large number of terroristic rebels.

Chechnya has elections scheduled for next week. Terroristic acts designed to change the public's opinion of local elections has worked previously, earlier this year in Spain.

The vast majority appear to have been ethnic Russians while there has been some speculation that a woman passenger aboard the Tu-154 may have been a Chechen.

"We have no information that she was a terrorist," said Mr Levitin, adding that investigators wanted to know why no one had come to claim her body.

(More coverage at Backcountry Conservative, Instapundit and others)

Posted by: mhking at 02:11 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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August 26, 2004

"LAMBERT FIELD?" Uh.....Ketchup Boy, stick to what you know and leave football alone.

John Kerry made a faux pas of monumental proportions -- at least as far as us football fans are concerned -- yesterday.

While in Green Bay, WI for a campaign appearance, Kerry actually made the unthinkable mistake of referring to the "frozen tundra of Lambert Field."

As he was taking questions from the audience, he referred to the legendary Packers stadium, Lambeau Field (which has been called that for 39 years) as "Lambert Field."

(shaking head) Lambert field? Lambert field? Has this man never watched Sportscenter? Never listened to Chris Berman? Has he never heard John Facenda's NFL Films voice? The low, rumbling Voice-of-God? As in, "the Frozen tundra of (already-deep voice dropping another four octaves) Lammmbeauuuu Field..."

Kerry just lost the entire northeast corner of Wisconsin right there.
(Courtesy The Kerry Spot)

Posted by: mhking at 05:08 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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