February 13, 2005
RI high school project compares Bush to Hitler
Providence, RI high school student Jeffrey Eden came up with the concept for his
award-winning art project in about fifteen minutes. The project, entitled "Bush/Hitler and How History Repeats Itself," created a firestorm of controversy after it was displayed alongside other award-winning high school art projects last week.
The piece, titled "Bush/Hitler and How History Repeats Itself," triggered a complaint soon after it was displayed with other award-winning entries at Alperts Furniture Showplace in Seekonk last week."It's offensive to me," said Paul Lewis, a 34-year-old North Providence man.
Lewis asked Alperts to remove Eden's piece and phoned area newspapers as well as Channel 10 and Channel 6.
He said he sees zero relationship between the policies of President Bush and Hitler.
Figures of President Bush and Hitler, drawn on Popsicle sticks, are at the focal point of Eden's work. Each is addressing his own army of plastic soldiers.
On a backdrop, Eden has pasted statements of Hitler. He has penned a few of his own sentiments, too.
He hopes people will read them.
"Hitler's own justification was his own hatred," said one slogan.
"Treatment of the prisoners was unspeakable [concentration camps]," said another.
To the right of President Bush, Eden's handwriting said "No justification" and "Saddam had no affiliation with the Taliban and there are no weapons of mass destruction."
He thinks they show that the work is comparing Hitler and President Bush -- not equating them.
His teacher, Lynn Norton, believed he got his point across. She gave him an A.
The moonbats keep equating the President with Hitler. Those that do insult both the memory of those who died at his evil hand, and insult those who support the President today.
Not that the moonbats care about insulting anyone on the right. That's par for the course for them.
Posted by: mhking at
03:24 PM
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It's funny, if someone on the right were to compare a Liberal to Hitler or some other equally unappealing figure in history, the lefties would have a conniption fit. Hypocrisy runs deep amongst the left.
Posted by: Kathleen at February 13, 2005 03:43 PM (XCFSe)
Oh how original and imaginative.....not. Were I his teacher I would have flunked this kid for such intellectual laziness. Were I a spectator I would have rolled my eyes and not given the time of day to someone so foolish. As it is I roll my eyes and mutter to myself, "idiot."
Posted by: Samantha at February 14, 2005 10:58 AM (Ihkjb)
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February 11, 2005
CNN's Jordan resigns
CNN's Eason Jordan
has thrown in the towel amid the unsubstantiated remarks he made last month in Switzerland. Jordan claimed that US soldiers had purposefully targeted journalists in Iraq.
Jordan said he was quitting to avoid CNN being "unfairly tarnished" by the controversy.During a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum (news - web sites) last month, Jordan said he believed that several journalists who were killed by coalition forces in Iraq had been targeted.
He quickly backed off the remarks, explaining that he meant to distinguish between journalists killed because they were in the wrong place where a bomb fell, for example, and those killed because they were shot at by American forces who mistook them for the enemy.
"I never meant to imply U.S. forces acted with ill intent when U.S. forces accidentally killed journalists, and I apologize to anyone who thought I said or believed otherwise," Jordan said in a memo to fellow staff members at CNN.
But the damage had been done, compounded by the fact that no transcript of his actual remarks has turned up. There was an online petition calling on CNN to find a transcript, and fire Jordan if he said the military had intentionally killed journalists.
Men (and women) in Pajamas 2, MSM 0.
Posted by: mhking at
03:42 PM
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2 down, how many to go?
Posted by: Tony iovino at February 12, 2005 06:43 AM (0eViP)
All this talk of Blogosphere vs Main Stream Media occasions a question.
Where do you get your stories and exposes etc from?
Posted by: Nick Saunders at February 12, 2005 07:19 AM (zFsmS)
Blogs, message forums, the MSM (and an analysis thereof).
At the same time, reporters in the MSM do the same things and go to the same sources (and I should know; I'm a former reporter).
The larger question is one of "legitimacy." The "Old media" (as a whole) does not consider blogs and bloggers to be legitimate sources of news and information (even though many reporters pay just as much attention to the "New media" as we do). We, on the other hand, certainly acknowledge the MSM, but not to the exclusion of other sources and resources.
Posted by: mhking at February 12, 2005 11:56 AM (bJ0qq)
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Dennis, put your clothes back on. Please.
Dennis Rodman nude?
Just. Damn.
Posted by: mhking at
03:24 PM
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Post contains 19 words, total size 1 kb.
My eyes!
*Scurries off, weeping silently.*
Posted by: Me at February 11, 2005 03:41 PM (ZlHWU)
I think ols Dennis is trying to garner attention again....aint it cute
Posted by: sgtfluffy at February 11, 2005 06:36 PM (iMSOt)
Buck nekkid Rodman: the latest Gitmo interrogation device.
OTOH - too damn cruel!
Posted by: Y-2-DRAY at February 12, 2005 03:44 AM (4hquJ)
Mike summed it nicely I think.
Posted by: Nick Saunders at February 12, 2005 06:56 AM (zFsmS)
Culture? What's culture?
Posted by: Mike H. at February 12, 2005 09:04 AM (FCfM4)
Not just Damn, Mike, but double Damn. That would be enough to make anyone sign a confession.
Posted by: BobG at February 12, 2005 09:42 AM (Dfc3M)
Poor Dennis. What a waste of his potential his life has been.
Posted by: Indigo at February 13, 2005 08:03 PM (XtZZG)
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February 09, 2005
Sacramento couple hangs US GI's uniform from noose in yard
A Sacramento couple, Steve and Virginia Pearcy, have politely hung a US military uniform from a tree in their front yard, with a sign dangling from it saying, "Your tax dollars at work."
Many neighborhood residents find the display offensive and disrespectful, while the Pearcy's insist they are utilizing their First Amendment right to free speech.
The homeowners behind the controversy are Steve and Virginia Pearcy. They released a statement saying, "There will always be people who are offended by political speech, and the most important forum of all ... is one's own residence. The First Amendment is meaningless unless dissent is allowed."
The display has been reported to the local police, the city attorney, and even the local city council.
Councilman Rob Fong pointed out that what the couple is doing is protected as free speech, saying, "Unfortunately or fortunately this is protected speech by the First Amendment ... so there is nothing we can do about it."
Posted by: mhking at
10:16 AM
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While I'm deeply offended by the Pearcy's display, they have the right to make damned fools of themselves. If I were one of their neighbors, I would excercise my First Amendment rights and let them know how foolish they are.
Posted by: David Beatty at February 09, 2005 10:24 AM (ScOBm)
All true. Speech is protected, even for those too stupid to draft a coherent thought.
Posted by: King of Fools at February 09, 2005 10:41 AM (ktIW6)
In your words, Michael....
Damn. Just Damn.
Posted by: CrzyDJM at February 09, 2005 11:47 AM (8FbBN)
I hate to advocate the breaking of the law, but I wouldn't mind if somebody "took" the display in the middle of the night. (No violence , please)
Posted by: Steven J. Kelso Sr. at February 10, 2005 08:33 AM (U4SDZ)
I see that http://www.nicedoggie.net/archives/004972.html
reports the effigy has been torn down by some of the neighbors. I also recall, but forget which, one other site reporting a motorcyclist (biker-type, perhaps?) stopped by and tore down some remaining bits and pieces.
Posted by: Justagoober at February 10, 2005 03:58 PM (vsTb6)
Posted by: Steven J. Kelso Sr. at February 11, 2005 06:52 AM (U4SDZ)
According to the Opinion Journal, this lets us know where the idiots among us live, so I'm all for them setting up their beacon.
Posted by: Sgt Fluffy at February 11, 2005 06:38 PM (iMSOt)
I believe the Pearcy's have the right to freedom of speech, but they didn't have to display it in such a disrespectful and un-patriotic way. The soldiers are there fighting for our freedoms, regardless of how the Pearcy's felt, they SHOULD support our troops who are dying for us there. They have a job to do and they are doing it regardless of the cause. My husband is an active duty soldier who is preparing to go to Iraq and my brother in law is already there. They realize their job and understand their oath they made when joining the military. They support the troops regardless of their feelings about the war! This should be known to every American citizen and beyond. Our troops need us to salute them, not hang them from their homes!!!!!!!!!! Be smart about it.
Posted by: Lacy at February 12, 2005 12:32 PM (5mbL5)
The Pearcys have place another uniform up on the house today, complete with a new sign. Both of them spoke to the news media today.
Posted by: Tom at February 12, 2005 03:48 PM (SJOp2)
I only live a mile away from these people...
I am getting blitzed by liberals on my blog because I wrote about it.
Posted by: steve at February 13, 2005 07:37 PM (Q8UUJ)
I can't understand how these people can live in the US and enjoy the freedom that is available to them because of so many lives that have been given for it! Is making a mockery of our troops, an appropriate way of showing appreciation?? I wonder what Mr. Pearcy has given up for his freedom, besides poor taste?
Posted by: Jack S. at February 14, 2005 09:02 PM (+7VNs)
This is pretty distasteful, to say the least.
But I still think that the antidote to hateful speech is more speech, not censorship.
It's an interesting question. If YOUR next-door neighbor put up a display such as that, what sort of sign might YOU want to put up -- on your own property -- in response? Perhaps "My Neighbors Are Unworthy Of Your Attention" might work.
Daniel in Brookline
Posted by: daniel in brookline at February 15, 2005 08:37 AM (ETuqd)
What about bumper stickers supporting the war effort and the parties involved in bringing us there, is that an acceptable form of free speech? Yes. Why is that OK but an opposing view is considered unpatriotic? What is patriotism? I am glad to be an american but not proud of what our government is doing in Iraq. Support our troops and bring them home.
Funny how we each look at this issue so differently. I see our troops over there fighting for George Bush's agenda, not for freedom.
Posted by: Paul at February 16, 2005 04:02 PM (3o6kd)
give me five minutes alone with these pigs.
Posted by: lou at February 18, 2005 03:11 AM (44dn9)
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February 08, 2005
British media critic politicizes Budweiser "Heroes" Super Bowl ad
Stefano Hatfield, media critic of the UK's
Guardian newspaper,
was not happy with Budweiser's Super Bowl ad honoring returning GI's -- and neither did his neighbor.
It was described as "moving" and "powerful" by the obsequious Fox critics, and "obscene" by my furious upstairs neighbour who called me straight after because he regarded the spot as incitement to war with Iran, and knows I write about such things and so it was of course my fault.Pass the sick bag, Alice. I was too stunned by the spot to really take in the full import of a beer company waving off "our boys" (and girls) to battle. But battle? Where? The war in Iraq's over, isn't it or so they keep telling us? With Rice's thinly veiled threats towards Iran everywhere, it is hard not to see the spot as anything other than hailing the troops off to war. Pure propaganda, and it picked up on one of the themes of the night: patriotism.
First off, this retard seemed not to realize that these troops were returning home.
Secondly, what did he expect the fellow travelers to do, spit on the troops?
Then again, the liberal Guardian hates the Administration and anything that we find patriotic. But they're not here. They don't -- or do not choose to -- understand. That's their loss. And our gain.
Posted by: mhking at
03:56 PM
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First off, this retard seemed not to realize that these troops were returning home.
That would only make it worse, in his eyes. Moonbats like Hatfield don't think American soldiers
should be returning home from war alive and in one piece. Failure to come home in a body bag is deliberate sabotage of the America-haters' anti-war message; thus they're class traitors (enlisted men being the military's proletariat).
Posted by: McGehee at February 08, 2005 04:54 PM (S504z)
"First off, this retard seemed not to realize that these troops were returning home."
Any word other than 'retard' would have been nicer.
Posted by: CrzyDJM at February 09, 2005 12:46 AM (GSdIn)
Posted by: CrzyDJM at February 09, 2005 01:25 AM (GSdIn)
loved the add, loved the post.
Posted by: Curtis at February 09, 2005 03:39 AM (CGep9)
Read the piece over at your place, and I certainly understand your ire at the use of the word. I definitely didn't mean to offend; the word was merely a "throwaway" for me, and could have just as easily come out as idiot, moron or any number of other words.
Again, I apologize, most sincerely for offending you.
Posted by: mhking at February 09, 2005 07:14 AM (CO/Uo)
I think that I overreacted, seeing as it was before 6am when I initially read the post (and had not had my breakfast yet OR the sleep wiped from my eyes!). I know you meant nothing by it and I apologize for MY outburst.
I've been dealing with that particular word spoken in a derogatory manner for all the years that my sister was alive and it was the quickest way to provoke my other sister and I into a fistfight (not with EACH other!) back then as younger kids. The word still makes me bristle and get stand-off'ish when I hear it used in casual conversations.
Thanks for the apology and please accept mine as well!
Keep up the great blog and I'll be back for sure (thanks once again for the well-wishes with
my son's surgery)
Crazy Dave
Posted by: CrzyDJM at February 09, 2005 07:40 AM (GSdIn)
I opposed the first gulf war (I went over there, did nothing) and Bosnia. Not once did I feel hatred for my country nor wish any soldier harm.
Is it OK to question the patriotism of Americans who utter this nonsense too?
Posted by: Steven J. Kelso Sr. at February 10, 2005 08:37 AM (U4SDZ)
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Posted by: Sandra at October 31, 2012 01:55 AM (5pwul)
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He's a Nazi, She's a Nazi, They're all Nazis....or are they?
It seems that the term "Nazi" is thrown around so casually these days, usually to describe those of us on the right, without regard to the true meaning of the word.
Former comedienne and Air America radio host Janeane Garofalo called Congressional Representatives and Senators who displayed a blue-tinged finger in support of the Iraqi vote at last week's State of the Union Nazis in comparing their salute to the stiff-armed "Heil Hitler" salute used during the second World War. Members of Democratic Underground and liberal bloggers alike cynically compared the patriotic salutes at this past weekend's Super Bowl in Jacksonville to the Nazi displays of nationalism at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin.
Many leftists casually toss out the term "Nazi" as an epithet to describe those of us on the right in general and the Bush Administration in particular.
Samantha over at Uncle Sam's Cabin takes a closer look at the phenomenon and points out the overall fallacy of the term's use in that vein.
Posted by: mhking at
11:23 AM
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Churchill still planning to speak, despite cancellation
Controversial University of Colorado instructor Ward Churchill, who is still in lots of hot water over statements comparing the victims of the 9/11 disaster to Nazis, has proclaimed that he
will speak tonight on the University's campus in Boulder, despite the cancellation of a planned gathering at the University's Memorial Center.
Officials with the university sited security concerns as the reason for cancelling the speech inside the University Memorial Center. Supporters then vowed to fight for a court-ordered injunction to allow Churchill to speak. A hearing on the injuction is set for 4 p.m. in Denver Federal court.No matter what happens in court, supporters say, Churchill will speak tonight outside the University Memorial Center at 7 p.m.
Those who support Churchill say CU is restricting the professor's right to free speech.
"They can expect to hear what I actually said, and the implications of how the media's been spinning it," Churchill said, referring to the content of his speech.
Free speech is a wonderful thing, but just because you have free speech, you don't have the right to demand that the public support it financially. No one is proposing to stop Churchill's right to speak. Just that they (the University, and by extension the taxpayers of the state of Colorado) won't necessarily support his right to free speech fiscally.
As for what Churchill says, he's just plain pathetic and completely wrong. But he's got a Constitutional right to be wrong.
Posted by: mhking at
11:15 AM
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"You regard free speech not as a right, but as a
never-ending obligation."
-- unknown
Or, as someone else once said: Yes, you have the right to free speech, just like everyone else here. But buy your OWN soapbox; I didn't give you permission to use mine.
I re-discovered this site thanks to a link by Michelle Malkin; I hope you don't mind if I link to you.
best wishes,
Posted by: Daniel in Brookline at February 15, 2005 08:29 AM (ETuqd)
good info in this subject at
Posted by: jcrue at February 15, 2005 09:25 AM (Qs+xB)
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February 07, 2005
Christian web columnist stalked and threatened by terrorists
Jeremy Reynalds, director of the New Mexico homeless shelter Joy Junction, and a regular contributor to several anti-Islamic terror forums, has been
targeted for assassination.
Christian journalist and long-time friend of Internet Haganah, Jeremy Reynalds has been targeted for killing by Islamists on the Al Ansar forum (ansarnet.ws).The thread:
In a thread on the Houston-based site, the person who ran the now-defunct mawsuat.com site starts by blaming Reynalds for the site's demise, posts a POBox address for Reynalds, and asks if anyone else has more information about him.
In the discussion that follows, the Islamists first post Reynald's home address so that he might be "visited", then a picture of him and a wish that his ribs should be broken, and finally they offer their prayers to Allah that He should deliver to them Reynald's "fatty neck" - a clear reference to the current fad of decapitating anyone deemed to be a critic of the more lethal forms of Islam.
The thread closes with a heartfelt "amen".
Reynolds has responded by saying that threats like this do not intimidate him, and that he's not backing down.
The forum site which includes the threats is housed at a US-based internet firm, Everyone's Internet of Houston.
Posted by: mhking at
11:03 AM
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OK Mike, did anyone say what the authorities are doing about it? Are they doing anything yet? Some of these folks don't have a good understanding of the US.
Posted by: Mike H. at February 08, 2005 09:49 AM (FCfM4)
No word as of yet, but Jeremy has been posting on his site, on Haganah.us, and FreeRepublic.com regularly for several years now; I'm sure he's taking personal precautions, local constabulary notwithstanding.
I'll keep everyone updated as I hear any new information.
Posted by: mhking at February 08, 2005 11:05 AM (bJ0qq)
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Spinning teeth!? For the love of God, why?
Am I the only one who has a fundamental problem with
this site's wares?
So how many folks are going to rush out to spend a thousand dollars or more to get spinning teeth to go with the spinners on their tires?
Just damn!
Posted by: mhking at
07:04 AM
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Post contains 63 words, total size 1 kb.
Posted by: Lola at February 07, 2005 08:32 AM (V1eTE)
I draw the line at spinning bowties.
Posted by: McGehee at February 07, 2005 09:14 AM (S504z)
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Super Bowl XXXIX ad watch
USA Today ran their
annual "Ad Watch" of the ads that ran during last night's Super Bowl this morning, and though many commercials were pretty lame to begin with (was I the only one that thought the Subway steamed windows commercial was simply pathetic?), there were some major standouts.
The biggest standout for many was the Anheuser-Busch ad honoring soldiers returning home to spontaneous applause in an airport (View the ad at A-B's "Hero Salute" site). Many leftist blogs are decrying that ad, along with the NFL's salute to the troops prior to the start of the game, and comparing the overall sentiment and feeling to...(c'mon, say it with me)...Nazi Germany in 1936.
Other stand-out ads included the Bud Light ad featuring a skydive instructor tossing a six-pack out of a plane as an enticement to a reluctant diver -- only to have the pilot take off out of the plane after it.
Super Bowl first-time advertiser (and halftime show sponsor) Ameriquest ran two ads, the first featuring a man on a cellphone getting beaten into submission by the proprietors of a convenience store after they mistakenly overhear the man say "You're being robbed." The second featured a man fixing dinner for his wife, and picking up the cat that had knocked over a pot of tomato sauce...while holding a butcher knife in the other hand, as the wife (or girlfriend - it could have been either one) walked into the apartment.
The usual round of upcoming motion picture ads were present, and included new footage for Batman Begins, Sahara, and War of the Worlds. I was surprised that neither Star Wars Episode III nor Fantastic Four were represented last night.
Overall though, the ads were pretty dismal as compared to past years -- good thing there was a fairly exciting game to balance them against.
iFilm has collected all the ads together for you to watch online.
Update: The NY Times slings mud at the A-B troops coming home ad.
A gauzy valentine to American troops, which ended with the Anheuser-Busch corporate logo superimposed on screen, was touching, but some viewers may have wondered whether "Busch" had been misspelled.
Leave it to the
Times to let their biases show, even in discussing something as basic as a Super Bowl in a business article.
Update 2:GoDaddy.com CEO Bob Parsons reports on his own blog that Fox yanked their second scheduled ad last night, at the behest of the NFL.
As you may have noticed our Super Bowl ad only appeared during the scheduled first quarter spot. It was scheduled to run also in the second ad position during the final two minute warning. Our ad never ran a second time. Instead, in its place, we saw an advertisement promoting "The Simpsons."The NFL persuaded FOX to pull our ad.
We immediately contacted Fox to find out what happened. Here's what we were told: After our first ad was aired, the NFL became upset and they, together with Fox, decided to pull the ad from running a second time. Because we purchased two spots, we were also entitled to a "Brought to you by GoDaddy.com" 5 second marquis spot. They also chose to pull the marquis spot.
Their ad can be seen as part of iFilm's
Super Bowl ad roundup.
Posted by: mhking at
04:56 AM
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February 05, 2005
The LEAGUE plays here!
It's time. All the practice and drills and scrimmages and films have all led to this.
From 32 teams in the hunt back at Canton in August, to two in Jacksonville tomorrow.
Will the New England Patriots cement a dynasty like the Steelers in the 70s, the 49ers in the 80s or the Cowboys in the 90s? Or will the Philadelphia Eagles bring a championship home to a city long wanting?
The Patriots have a 7 point edge, but I'm going to take the Eagles (and the points). I'm a long-time NFC (and NFL before that) fan. Besides -- they beat up on the Falcons two weeks ago, they deserve it.
Enjoy the game everyone; enjoy the commercials, and remember that if you miss 'em, the commercials will be rebroadcast on an NFL Network special tomorrow night, and again both Monday and Tuesday.
I'm almost ready - I'm making homemade pizzas and homemade hot wings. I can justify it - I'll be back on my diet Monday.
Wrong network, but the question always applies: "Are you ready for some football?"
Posted by: mhking at
05:30 PM
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Post contains 188 words, total size 1 kb.
I'll be attempting a homemade pizza, too. I've yet to make one that I was satisfied with. Do you have a stone? If not, what's the secret to good homemade pizza? I must know!
Posted by: Tuning Spork at February 06, 2005 07:34 AM (IUdzv)
Nope, no stone (though I do want to get one one of these days.
I actually cook mine in a cast iron skillet. I spray the skillet with PAM, then place the Boboli (I haven't braved a homemade crust yet) and build the pizza from there.
Posted by: Michael King at February 06, 2005 08:47 AM (bJ0qq)
Waaaaaaaaaaaa! No Super Bowl Party for me! That sounds like great fun! Enjoy!
Posted by: Indigo at February 06, 2005 11:40 AM (XtZZG)
Welp, so much for that pick. :-D
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hi nice post. thanks. i m great pleasure.
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February 04, 2005
Janeane Garofalo: Inked Fingers = Nazi Salute
Air America talk show host and actress Janeane Garofalo continues to sink deeper into mediocrity, this time with a shrill declaration on MSNBC's
After Hours that the members of the House and Senate that raised their fingers after having dipped them into blue ink, in solidarity with the voters of Iraq,
are like Nazis rasing their arms at Adolph Hitler.
"The inked fingers and the position of them, which is gonna be a 'Daily Show' photo already, of them signaling in this manner [does the Nazi salute], as if they have solidarity with the Iraqis who braved physical threats against their lives to vote as if somehow these inked-fingered Republicans have something to do with that. And also, the bit of theater about the very distraught parents of the soldier who had died, the point is not if this was a real moment, if it was staged, if it was PR. The point is, is those parents and their son were misled about why that young man went into Iraq. And when he wrote a letter to his mother saying, 'It's my job to protect you now,' protect her from what? The imminent threat of Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction? So don't bring up, 'Is it helpful if the Democrats make some noise' when they're being lied to. That's not helpful, that's not helpful to pundits like you maybe, but it is not helpful to the country when a Republican President and his partisan Republican Party continue to perpetuate myth and dishonesty on the country."
Of course the left lapped it up.
Somebody needs to e-mail Janeane and let her know that she stopped being funny quite awhile ago.
Posted by: mhking at
07:58 AM
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Post contains 309 words, total size 3 kb.
Oooo, Nut-licious...!
Sorry. Just rememberin' back to when she was funny...
Posted by: Tuning Spork at February 05, 2005 04:03 PM (XALxW)
Air America talk show host and actress Janeane Garofalo continues to sink deeper into mediocrity, this time with a shrill declaration on MSNBC's
Posted by: ティファニー at July 27, 2011 09:32 PM (sn/E2)
Faced with so abounding choices of colors of party dresses, it's not
consistently simple for you to accomplish the adapted choices. Dejected party
dresses are accepted with a lot of of the women for their absorbing features.
Every woman should acquire some dejected party dresses to showcase, abnormally
for women with blue-blooded and affected personality.
Dark dejected
party dresses acquire ultrahigh popularity, for women with absorbing faces,
adult and infuriate figures, aphotic dejected party dresses can actualize their
tastes. Small breadth of derma exposed, aberrant layered skirts, adult animosity
abounding of architecture senses but not bogus to aphotic ever pretty dress can accomplish the
wearer arise intoxicating. You should aswell bout this dress with adapted
Exquisite agleam embroidery, adult strapless design, watercolor print,
chiffon brim amalgamate in the aforementioned dejected party dresses will set
off anniversary other, the wearer with appropriate best arced hairstyle can be
collocated with dejected party dresses such like this perfectly, she can
accurate breeding and party by advantage of dejected party dresses greatly.
Blue party dresses fabricated from calamus can accompany affected goddess
attitude to the wearer, she will be aghast added albino by breakable blush
dejected fabrics, adroit calamus and torn tassels to dejected party dresses will
arise added lovable. Silver top heels and white geometric backpack can be
collocated with dejected party dresses to the point; senses of abridged and
fashionable are addictive to women.
There are a array of dejected party dresses are offered for ladies in ever pretty. You can simple get the one
which is the a lot of acceptable for you. The absolute dejected party dresses
cam absolutely accomplish you outstanding in the party night.
Posted by: linever at December 05, 2012 01:46 AM (fde+z)
Selecting party dresses
for the bridesmaids is one of the better locations of planning a marriage that
can be either fun or actual stressful. This commodity will accord you some
applied suggestions for allotment the appropriate party dress. Just do as the
beneath tips and you can absolutely get the one which will be of abundant
Firstly, your bridesmaids dress is a absorption of your aftertaste and your
wedding. Therefore, there are 5 choices that you have to achieve if acrimonious
your bridesmaids dress. The aboriginal best is length. The two a lot of accepted
lengths are knee-length and attic length. The next best is style. Currently,
accepted styles cover strapless, v-neck, and spaghetti straps. Another best is
the architecture of the dress. The dress can be simple, fun, conservative, or
Besides, you charge to adjudge on the attending of the dress. You can accept
from solid colors, assorted colors, patterns, and more. The endure best you will
charge to achieve is the color. Blush can be difficult to do, abnormally back
there are so abounding variations of anniversary color. Anniversary best is
important, but no ever pretty
dress should overpower the accent of the wedding.
Last but not the least, the party dress should accompaniment your marriage
dress. Although it may be your marriage blush of choice, beacon abroad from
actual bright, abounding blush bridesmaids dresses that will leave the helpmate
searching and activity like just the bare white canvas. You can consistently get
the party dresses you charge in ever
pretty. So just appointment our website and you can absolutely get the one
you need.
Posted by: linever at December 07, 2012 01:58 AM (4BMLN)
Warm as well as head-on sunlight truly irritates everybody within summers.
However this particular the sunshine additionally provides prosperity associated
with brand new options in order to ladies wardrobe. Expert as well as
traditional, enjoyable as well as cool, they are are just some of choices with
regards to most recent developments within party
Help to make mind change while you help to make the way in which via group
putting on Eddie Bauer summer time gowns. Obtain a fantastic appear as well as
fashionable within fashionable party dresses
designs provided beneath.
Cover Gown: Cover gowns tend to be excellent put on with regard to summer
time times. Cover gowns are specifically flexible simply because these types of
could be covered in several various ways. They're great option in order to
slimmer any kind of lady associated with any kind of determine. Cover evening
dresses will also be an ideal put on with regard to women that are pregnant.
The cover gown is extremely attractive as well as flexible a part of clothing.
You can easily treatment as well as well suited for just about all summer time
journey programs.
Crinkle Gown: Crinkle gowns tend to be good way to visit gentle. These people
condition your body in to tote as well as emerge from this searching excellent.
Eddie Bauer assortment of evening
dresses are constructed with awesome as well as light-weight 100 % cotton
poplin along with delicate crinkle consistency. They're completely formed to
supply the complementing match.
Change Gown: Change gown is really a gown without any waistline description,
offers much less quantity as well as drops lower. Change ever pretty dress have grown to be
classic silhouette. They're enchanting, easy as well as ideal for night and day
period. These types of gowns are extremely flexible & really complementing
to a lot of entire body designs. Eddie Bauer assortment of change gowns is
extremely traditional.
Stitched Gown:Gowns along with great adornments methods possess usually
captured ladies within their snare. The actual appeal in ever pretty associated with light colours
is actually progressively attaining worldwide popularity, particularly
throughout the summertime. Light coloured stitched gowns give a gentle appeal,
as well as exact same is actually regarding this particular Eddie Bauer stitched
Posted by: linever at December 26, 2012 10:36 PM (1AFxK)
Stocking on inexpensive party dresses
doesn't suggest searching inexpensive your self. There are lots of excellent
summer time gown developments which are greatest improved along with a few wise
add-ons. These types of developments can make any kind of gown proceed through
adorable in order to fashionable. And also the best benefit of the is actually
which it won't harm your own pocket book whatsoever.
Whenever summer time comes within the very first thing on the women's
thoughts would be to fill up on her behalf summer time clothing. But rather
associated with eliminating the financial institution, whatever you actually
need tend to be a few inexpensive party dresses
plus some great add-ons to combine as well as complement. This particular whole
task may not actually increase compared to one hundred dollars.
This manner period, you are able to in no way fail through purchasing
inexpensive evening
dresses within fundamental slashes as well as colours which may be converted
into a number of designs using the correct summer time gown developments. Warm
from the graphs as well as knee-length a-line gowns that are cozy as well as
attractive simultaneously - in addition to lingerie-type associated with gowns
which enables you to take in the sun's rays within the correct locations to
obtain which ideal suntan.
Your very best wager would be to in the beginning strike the actual flea
marketplace to consider classic as well as inexpensive discovers for the
inexpensive ever pretty dress.
Should you spend time searching for items inside a individual method, you're
sure to locate some good mementos to visit together with your evening
dresses pattern objective associated with searching glam. The brooch right
here, the sparkly bauble presently there - every thing is actually inexpensive
therefore please fill up. Simply make sure that you've the same quantity of
baubles which will adorn a person throughout the day period.
Obviously, inexpensive summer time gowns will even take advantage of clunky
wood bracelets which are all of the variety. Because summer time gown in ever pretty developments generally have a
enjoyable as well as free-spirited taste, you are able to fill up upon these
types of grime inexpensive wood bracelets discovered anyplace as well as almost
everywhere. Not just are you going to appear enjoyable as well as trendy,
however additionally, you will possess a great aged period jazzing upward your
personal personal.
Posted by: linever at December 27, 2012 10:53 PM (2T4QU)
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LA Times op-ed piece rips black conservative ministers
"Selling Their Birthright to the GOP"
screams the headline from the
Los Angeles Times.
The venerable newspaper then allows two Southern California ministers rip into black conservative Christian ministers who would dare to support the Bush Administration in a hit piece that goes beyond the pale. And why? Because they don't toe the proverbial line that liberals insist that blacks toe.
Seventy pastors apparently turned out for Tuesday's meeting, which was supposedly organized by conservative black ministers who had backed George W. Bush in November and who are seeking to promote what they say is a new agenda for the black community.Are they doing it with programs that bring jobs, education and opportunity? Nooooooooooooo. They are doing it with a campaign against gay marriage. They are unveiling a "black contract with America on moral values." That's right, Newt Gingrich is back and he's black!
That the ideological descendants of the architects of Jim Crow would be setting up shop in inner cities to structure a solution to the problems of being black in America is beyond ludicrous.
The saddest part is that these ministers, who have inherited a legacy of respect, leadership and authority, would squander their profound birthright for a bowl of faith-based porridge. The underbelly of this Republican initiative is the promise of funding for church programs. That's a true sellout.
The black church has always stood with the oppressed and never the oppressor. It has not been in the forefront of the "pro-life" movement because it recognized that prohibiting abortions leads to the maiming and death of thousands of poor, often black, women. It has not been in the forefront of the movement against gay marriage because it doesn't adhere to the biblical literalism of many fundamentalist churches and looks more to the compassion of Jesus than to conservative legalism.
The authors of the
LA Times hit piece insist that anyone who would follow the evangelical teachings of the Bible are short-sighted and stupid, as opposed to being scholarly followers of the Word of God. And the
Times, in giving this an audience continues to follow it's long-standing agenda of providing voices to those who would put down more conservative viewpoints, no matter what kind of racial hatred might be stirred up -- even if it is racial hatred
within the black community.
The authors, in feeding into that sort of hatred, apparently agree that there should only be one school of thought in black America - one that begs for handouts, as opposed to providing a moral compass.
But let me ask: Isn't there truly room for multiple schools of thought in black America? Isn't there room for those who find that gay marriage is offensive to their sensibilities in addition to those who might otherwise support gay marriage? Many of us on the conservative side of the aisle think that out of a diversity of opinion can come strength in the community. Apparently, the authors of this hit piece feel otherwise. And that's a sad state of affairs, indeed.
Posted by: mhking at
06:48 AM
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Post contains 519 words, total size 3 kb.
The Black Taliban lives on!
Posted by: Curtis at February 04, 2005 08:28 AM (6PXiH)
"The Black Taliban lives on!"
What kind of foolishness is that? Do you have nay idea what the Taliban were really like? Do you honestly believe that any one in America would want to degenerate our society to that level. Saying things like this obscures the real horror of what the Taliban has done and it cheapens the lives that were at their hands.
Posted by: Samantha at February 04, 2005 09:24 AM (Ihkjb)
The authors of the LA Times hit piece insist that anyone who would follow the evangelical teachings of the Bible are short-sighted and stupid, as opposed to being scholarly followers of the Word of God.
The op-ed says Shockley and Calloway are a minister and a pastor at Los Angeles-area churches. I'd be surprised if those credentials don't leave them well within their rights to question how God's word translates into political and moral choice in the black community.
Posted by: George at February 04, 2005 04:47 PM (IEhWC)
I love these liberals who have a smattering of religion and try to trot out the one or two things they remember about a Jesus they don't even believe in.
Jesus had compassion but don't forget he said to the woman caught in adultery, "go and sin no more".
Posted by: BobG at February 05, 2005 10:29 AM (0iltp)
Translation of article:
"Whose yo' massa?"
One needs to be very concerned when the word "birthright" is used (especially in politics)
Posted by: Duane at February 05, 2005 11:02 AM (RzPVt)
Maybe you could identify where the bible gets into politics, George. The religious officials are the same as any other man when it comes to subjects outside their competency. Their mantle of irrefutable wisdom falls when they speak in venues where they can be challenged, and trying to tie religion to politics is one of those venues.
Posted by: Mike H. at February 05, 2005 11:05 AM (FCfM4)
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Ossie Davis, R.I.P.
I've always had a soft spot for Ossie Davis' work. With his work and life partner, his wife Ruby Dee, they have always portrayed good, distinctive work and have done work that would touch your soul.
Ossie Davis died today in his hotel room in Miami, where he was making a film called Retirement..
Ossie Davis' long career both in front of and behind the camera was exemplerary for a number of reasons, not the least of which is his long-standing relationship with Ruby Dee. When other show business relationships falter quickly, Davis and Dee's withstood the test of time. Indeed, he will be missed by many.
Ossie Davis was 87.
Posted by: mhking at
06:17 AM
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Post contains 117 words, total size 1 kb.
We seem to be loosing a lot of good people lately. It reminds me that we have to really appreciate our elders before they're gone.
Posted by: Samantha at February 04, 2005 06:49 AM (Ihkjb)
Look for a 2001 interview with Ossie and Ruby Dee at NPR's site. 17:20 long. It's fascinating.
Posted by: Laurence Simon at February 04, 2005 06:54 AM (6rrXc)
One of the interesting things about Ossie is he wrote this one incredible play -- Pearly Victorious -- and never wrote another one. When asked about this, he said Pearly Victorious was all he wanted to say.
Well, I may be wrong about some of the details, I heard this a very long time ago.
Posted by: Ric Landers at February 04, 2005 07:30 AM (kJCyj)
Awful politics, but a classy guy nonetheless.
Posted by: Brainster at February 04, 2005 08:27 AM (CxBVU)
Awful politics, but a classy guy nonetheless.
Posted by: McGehee at February 04, 2005 12:11 PM (S504z)
Who cares about his politics. He was one of the greatest and he will be missed
Posted by: sgtfluffy at February 04, 2005 08:15 PM (iMSOt)
he is a legend....now gone.
Posted by: tinker at February 05, 2005 12:08 AM (/rCkD)
Always liked him. He was one of the few actors out there that actually felt, to me, like the kind of man who would sit and talk to his fans (me!) and be a "down-home" type of guy.
He'll definitely be missed, especially his joining up with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau
Posted by: CrzyDJM at February 07, 2005 12:49 AM (GSdIn)
Does anyone out there know if there is a dvd or something in print of the play Pearly Victorious?
Posted by: Carolyn E. Hill at August 22, 2005 11:10 AM (v53j9)
Posted by: Custom Assignment Help at December 27, 2012 05:58 AM (JFhVT)
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February 03, 2005
AIM: "Ward Churchill is not a real AmerIndian."
The American Indian Movement Grand Governing Council in Minneapolis
issued a release this week pointing out that Universtiy of Colorado Professor Ward Churchill, who has earned the ire of many Americans by calling the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks "little Eichmanns" (referring to World War II Nazi thug Adolph Eichmann), is not a true American Indian.
ChurchillÂ’s statement that these people deserved what happened to them, and calling them little Eichmanns, comparing them to Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, who implemented Adolf HitlerÂ’s plan to exterminate European Jews and others, should be condemned by all.The sorry part of this is Ward Churchill has fraudulently represented himself as an Indian, and a member of the American Indian Movement, a situation that has lifted him into the position of a lecturer on Indian activism. He has used the American Indian MovementÂ’s chapter in Denver to attack the leadership of the official American Indian Movement with his misinformation and propaganda campaigns.
Ward Churchill has been masquerading as an Indian for years behind his dark glasses and beaded headband. He waves around an honorary membership card that at one time was issued to anyone by the Keetoowah Tribe of Oklahoma. Former President Bill Clinton and many others received these cards, but these cards do not qualify the holder a member of any tribe. He has deceitfully and treacherously fooled innocent and naïve Indian community members in Denver, Colorado, as well as many other people worldwide. Churchill does not represent, nor does he speak on behalf of the American Indian Movement.
On a related note, word came out of Boulder, CO this morning that Churchill's pick-up
truck was vandalized this week with swastikas painted on it.
The vandals painted the swastikas on the tailgate of Churchill's Chevrolet pickup late Tuesday or early Wednesday, said Lt. Phil West, a sheriff's spokesman. He said deputies told him that Churchill's truck was parked in front of his home when the vandals struck. Also Wednesday, Churchill turned over to deputies copies of "hate mail" he said he had received. Churchill told the deputies he already had provided the hate mail to the CU campus police, West said.
Though New York's Hamilton College has cancelled Churchill's speaking engagement, Churchill is
set to speak at the University of Colorado in Boulder, CO this coming Tuesday night. The speech is on his book,
On the Justice of Roosting Chickens: Reflections on the Consequences of U.S. Imperial Arrogance and Criminality, and will be Tuesday night (2/8/05) at 7PM (MT) in the University Memorial Center's Glenn Miller Ballroom on the Boulder campus.
I'm sure local folks in the Denver area will make him feel welcome (rolling eyes).
Posted by: mhking at
07:12 PM
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Post contains 462 words, total size 3 kb.
I would love to make him feel welcome, unfortunately the law of the land that he hates, won't let me. (Sigh) Oh well back to being a little Eichmann. The way that things are getting confused, some idiot of his ilk will start calling me a pro-semetic nazi.
Posted by: Mike H. at February 03, 2005 10:37 PM (FCfM4)
Air America talk show host and actress Janeane Garofalo continues to sink deeper into mediocrity, this time with a shrill declaration on MSNBC's
Posted by: ティファニー at July 27, 2011 09:32 PM (sn/E2)
Posted by: Becca at September 01, 2011 02:37 PM (O9TZG)
Faced with so abounding choices of colors of party dresses, it's not
consistently simple for you to accomplish the adapted choices. Dejected party
dresses are accepted with a lot of of the women for their absorbing features.
Every woman should acquire some dejected party dresses to showcase, abnormally
for women with blue-blooded and affected personality.
Dark dejected
party dresses acquire ultrahigh popularity, for women with absorbing faces,
adult and infuriate figures, aphotic dejected party dresses can actualize their
tastes. Small breadth of derma exposed, aberrant layered skirts, adult animosity
abounding of architecture senses but not bogus to aphotic ever pretty dress can accomplish the
wearer arise intoxicating. You should aswell bout this dress with adapted
Exquisite agleam embroidery, adult strapless design, watercolor print,
chiffon brim amalgamate in the aforementioned dejected party dresses will set
off anniversary other, the wearer with appropriate best arced hairstyle can be
collocated with dejected party dresses such like this perfectly, she can
accurate breeding and party by advantage of dejected party dresses greatly.
Blue party dresses fabricated from calamus can accompany affected goddess
attitude to the wearer, she will be aghast added albino by breakable blush
dejected fabrics, adroit calamus and torn tassels to dejected party dresses will
arise added lovable. Silver top heels and white geometric backpack can be
collocated with dejected party dresses to the point; senses of abridged and
fashionable are addictive to women.
There are a array of dejected party dresses are offered for ladies in ever pretty. You can simple get the one
which is the a lot of acceptable for you. The absolute dejected party dresses
cam absolutely accomplish you outstanding in the party night.
Posted by: linever at December 05, 2012 01:46 AM (fde+z)
Selecting party dresses
for the bridesmaids is one of the better locations of planning a marriage that
can be either fun or actual stressful. This commodity will accord you some
applied suggestions for allotment the appropriate party dress. Just do as the
beneath tips and you can absolutely get the one which will be of abundant
Firstly, your bridesmaids dress is a absorption of your aftertaste and your
wedding. Therefore, there are 5 choices that you have to achieve if acrimonious
your bridesmaids dress. The aboriginal best is length. The two a lot of accepted
lengths are knee-length and attic length. The next best is style. Currently,
accepted styles cover strapless, v-neck, and spaghetti straps. Another best is
the architecture of the dress. The dress can be simple, fun, conservative, or
Besides, you charge to adjudge on the attending of the dress. You can accept
from solid colors, assorted colors, patterns, and more. The endure best you will
charge to achieve is the color. Blush can be difficult to do, abnormally back
there are so abounding variations of anniversary color. Anniversary best is
important, but no ever pretty
dress should overpower the accent of the wedding.
Last but not the least, the party dress should accompaniment your marriage
dress. Although it may be your marriage blush of choice, beacon abroad from
actual bright, abounding blush bridesmaids dresses that will leave the helpmate
searching and activity like just the bare white canvas. You can consistently get
the party dresses you charge in ever
pretty. So just appointment our website and you can absolutely get the one
you need.
Posted by: linever at December 07, 2012 01:58 AM (4BMLN)
Warm as well as head-on sunlight truly irritates everybody within summers.
However this particular the sunshine additionally provides prosperity associated
with brand new options in order to ladies wardrobe. Expert as well as
traditional, enjoyable as well as cool, they are are just some of choices with
regards to most recent developments within party
Help to make mind change while you help to make the way in which via group
putting on Eddie Bauer summer time gowns. Obtain a fantastic appear as well as
fashionable within fashionable party dresses
designs provided beneath.
Cover Gown: Cover gowns tend to be excellent put on with regard to summer
time times. Cover gowns are specifically flexible simply because these types of
could be covered in several various ways. They're great option in order to
slimmer any kind of lady associated with any kind of determine. Cover evening
dresses will also be an ideal put on with regard to women that are pregnant.
The cover gown is extremely attractive as well as flexible a part of clothing.
You can easily treatment as well as well suited for just about all summer time
journey programs.
Crinkle Gown: Crinkle gowns tend to be good way to visit gentle. These people
condition your body in to tote as well as emerge from this searching excellent.
Eddie Bauer assortment of evening
dresses are constructed with awesome as well as light-weight 100 % cotton
poplin along with delicate crinkle consistency. They're completely formed to
supply the complementing match.
Change Gown: Change gown is really a gown without any waistline description,
offers much less quantity as well as drops lower. Change ever pretty dress have grown to be
classic silhouette. They're enchanting, easy as well as ideal for night and day
period. These types of gowns are extremely flexible & really complementing
to a lot of entire body designs. Eddie Bauer assortment of change gowns is
extremely traditional.
Stitched Gown:Gowns along with great adornments methods possess usually
captured ladies within their snare. The actual appeal in ever pretty associated with light colours
is actually progressively attaining worldwide popularity, particularly
throughout the summertime. Light coloured stitched gowns give a gentle appeal,
as well as exact same is actually regarding this particular Eddie Bauer stitched
Posted by: linever at December 26, 2012 10:37 PM (1AFxK)
Stocking on inexpensive party dresses
doesn't suggest searching inexpensive your self. There are lots of excellent
summer time gown developments which are greatest improved along with a few wise
add-ons. These types of developments can make any kind of gown proceed through
adorable in order to fashionable. And also the best benefit of the is actually
which it won't harm your own pocket book whatsoever.
Whenever summer time comes within the very first thing on the women's
thoughts would be to fill up on her behalf summer time clothing. But rather
associated with eliminating the financial institution, whatever you actually
need tend to be a few inexpensive party dresses
plus some great add-ons to combine as well as complement. This particular whole
task may not actually increase compared to one hundred dollars.
This manner period, you are able to in no way fail through purchasing
inexpensive evening
dresses within fundamental slashes as well as colours which may be converted
into a number of designs using the correct summer time gown developments. Warm
from the graphs as well as knee-length a-line gowns that are cozy as well as
attractive simultaneously - in addition to lingerie-type associated with gowns
which enables you to take in the sun's rays within the correct locations to
obtain which ideal suntan.
Your very best wager would be to in the beginning strike the actual flea
marketplace to consider classic as well as inexpensive discovers for the
inexpensive ever pretty dress.
Should you spend time searching for items inside a individual method, you're
sure to locate some good mementos to visit together with your evening
dresses pattern objective associated with searching glam. The brooch right
here, the sparkly bauble presently there - every thing is actually inexpensive
therefore please fill up. Simply make sure that you've the same quantity of
baubles which will adorn a person throughout the day period.
Obviously, inexpensive summer time gowns will even take advantage of clunky
wood bracelets which are all of the variety. Because summer time gown in ever pretty developments generally have a
enjoyable as well as free-spirited taste, you are able to fill up upon these
types of grime inexpensive wood bracelets discovered anyplace as well as almost
everywhere. Not just are you going to appear enjoyable as well as trendy,
however additionally, you will possess a great aged period jazzing upward your
personal personal.
Posted by: linever at December 27, 2012 10:53 PM (2T4QU)
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It's all fun & games until someone puts an eye out
After trying to off himself (it didn't work), R&B singer Houston did the next best thing: he
gouged his eye out.
According to sources, the singer first attempted to jump out of a London hotel window last Thursday. Prevented from doing so by his security staff, Houston was locked in his room, at which time the injury occurred. No additional details as to his current condition or whereabouts have been disclosed.Featured in a McDonald's commercial, Houston's 2004 hit single "I Like That" peaked at No. 11 on the Hot 100 singles chart. The song also featured Chingy, Nate Dogg and I-20.
Houston's debut album, "It's Already Written," has sold 208,000 units to date, according to Nielsen SoundScan, having peaked at No. 14 on The Billboard 200.
That's GOTTA hurt.
No word on why he became so self-destructive.
Posted by: mhking at
11:16 AM
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Post contains 160 words, total size 1 kb.
Posted by: DONISHA at February 10, 2005 11:30 AM (cKCuU)
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN wat is wrong with him...he was cute too, he musta had some ppl in his head, the man needed help and no1 gave it to him, that sukz...he dont got 1 eye now, shame shame shame
Posted by: dahlia at March 24, 2005 11:46 AM (lKtKn)
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"Wormer? Dead!"
John Vernon, veteran character actor best remembered as Dean Wormer in the 1978 classic
Animal House has died. Saskatchewan -native Vernon played the perennial bad guy in movies from
The Outlaw Josey Wales to
Dirty Harry to
Airplane II and television guest roles up through and including
Vernon was most recently seen in the special follow-up feature add-on to the "Double Secret Probation" Special Edition DVD of Animal House, which showed where the characters would be today. Dean Wormer was shown as a wheelchair-bound crochety old man in a nursing home.
John Vernon was 72, but nobody picked him; or scored on him in the Dead Pool.
I guess we're finally off of double-secret probation now.
Posted by: mhking at
10:02 AM
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Post contains 125 words, total size 1 kb.
He was a frequent guest villain on Mission Impossible; I think he may have even been a recurring character. Played a Castro-type dictator. One of the great gravel voices of all time.
Posted by: Pat Curley at February 03, 2005 04:59 PM (iw717)
John Vernon was a prolific stage-trained Canadian character player who made a career out of convincingly playing crafty villains, morally-bankrupt officials and heartless authority figures in American films and television since the 1960s. But I am huge fan of
citizen diamond watches.
Posted by: Sandra at October 29, 2012 07:21 AM (5Xlt1)
I do not provide guidance. Not my business. Your life is what you create
tubal reversal
Posted by: tubal reversal at January 03, 2013 05:25 AM (WI134)
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SOTU Follow-up: One picture says a thousand words
First lady Laura Bush, right, applauds as Safia Taleb al-Suhail, leader of the Iraqi Women's Political Council, back to camera, hugs Janet Norwood of Pflugerville, Texas, on Capitol Hill last night during President Bush's State of the Union address. Mrs. Norwood's son Sgt. Byron Norwood was killed in Iraq last November.
I'm not the only one who picked this as the money shot from the speech. Kevin at Wizbang beat me to the punch.
Posted by: mhking at
04:33 AM
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Post contains 90 words, total size 1 kb.
First lady Laura Bush, right, applauds as Safia Taleb al-Suhail
Posted by: ティファニー at July 27, 2011 09:33 PM (sn/E2)
Faced with so abounding choices of colors of party dresses, it's not
consistently simple for you to accomplish the adapted choices. Dejected party
dresses are accepted with a lot of of the women for their absorbing features.
Every woman should acquire some dejected party dresses to showcase, abnormally
for women with blue-blooded and affected personality.
Dark dejected
party dresses acquire ultrahigh popularity, for women with absorbing faces,
adult and infuriate figures, aphotic dejected party dresses can actualize their
tastes. Small breadth of derma exposed, aberrant layered skirts, adult animosity
abounding of architecture senses but not bogus to aphotic ever pretty dress can accomplish the
wearer arise intoxicating. You should aswell bout this dress with adapted
Exquisite agleam embroidery, adult strapless design, watercolor print,
chiffon brim amalgamate in the aforementioned dejected party dresses will set
off anniversary other, the wearer with appropriate best arced hairstyle can be
collocated with dejected party dresses such like this perfectly, she can
accurate breeding and party by advantage of dejected party dresses greatly.
Blue party dresses fabricated from calamus can accompany affected goddess
attitude to the wearer, she will be aghast added albino by breakable blush
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Posted by: linever at December 27, 2012 10:53 PM (2T4QU)
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February 02, 2005
SOTU Follow-up: Did Bush snub McKinney?
President Bush knocked it out of the ballpark tonight.
Others are doing some major-league live-blogging, so I'll leave the bulk of the commentary to them, but one thing did strike me.
President Bush appeared to have completely ignored "aisle-bird" Congresscritter Cynthia McKinney (Tin Foil-GA).
McKinney generally parks her ample butt along the center aisle hours prior to the State of the Union, or any other joint session of Congress where the President is slated to speak. She parks there in order to be certain to get her pearly whites on television while she shakes the President's hand.
Watching the President make his way down the aisle prior to the speech as well as back up the aisle afterward, I could see him stop to shake hands with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee (Moonbat-TX), but it looked like he completely ignored McKinney's presence.
I guess her "smile in your face, then stab you in the back" routine finally got old. It's about time.
Posted by: mhking at
06:31 PM
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Post contains 187 words, total size 2 kb.
I made sure to keep a close eye on that whole situation as well, and it definitely looks like he snubbed her as he entered (although the camera angle changed on CNN when he got to her part of the aisle).
It still seems pretty empty that she has to take the good seat to show off to the constituents, especially since it's just for a few seconds, and for the most part won't be acknowledged by the TV announcers.
And I'll say it again: It's too bad I got redistricted out of her domain just before I could vote against her in 2002.
Posted by: JQ at February 02, 2005 07:25 PM (+QIvh)
Hume's comments about Jackson-Lee being on the aisle for photo opportunities on Fox News were unflattering.
Posted by: Laurence Simon at February 02, 2005 08:40 PM (uD0eN)
Rep Jackson Lee does the same for every SOTU.
There's a reason why, "the most dangerous place to be is between Sheila Jackson Lee and a camera" joke lives on here in Houston.
Posted by: Bob at February 03, 2005 07:00 AM (7cdys)
Damn, I missed the fact that Mckinney was re-elected, The people in her district must be as stupid as the ones in S.J. Lee's.
Posted by: Tom at February 03, 2005 07:32 AM (Et5+d)
It was kinda funny how the Prez just kept his back to her until he walked past. And I've never seen her grin so much.
Posted by: Eric at February 03, 2005 08:17 AM (Op0nz)
Good writing. Made me LOL. Read it out loud to my husband. Keep it coming!
Posted by: Sissy Willis at February 03, 2005 11:08 AM (7WFgX)
This is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. I think Bush is really a mistake of the history.
asigurare casco
Posted by: Erica at September 01, 2011 07:26 AM (HPCNQ)
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UPN/Paramount finally kills off Star Trek Enterprise
The low-rated fifth series in the
Star Trek franchise,
Star Trek Enterprise will come to an end in May.
UPN and Viacom announced the decision today.
A number of changes had been made in the series ahead of this, the fourth season of the series, but the one thing that didn't change was the low ratings the series earned.
"Star Trek has been an important part of UPN's history, and Enterprise has carried on the tradition of its predecessors with great distinction," UPN Entertainment president Dawn Ostroff said. "We'd like to thank Rick Berman, Brannon Braga and an incredibly talented cast for creating an engaging, new dimension to the Star Trek universe on UPN, and we look forward to working with them, and our partners at Paramount Network Television, on a send-off that salutes its contributions to The Network and satisfies its loyal viewers."Paramount Network Television president David Stapf added, "The creators, stars and crew of Star Trek: Enterprise ambitiously and proudly upheld the fine traditions of the Star Trek franchise. We are grateful for their contributions to the legacy of Trek and commend them on completing nearly 100 exciting, dramatic and visually stunning episodes. All of us at Paramount warmly bid goodbye to Enterprise, and we all look forward to a new chapter of this enduring franchise in the future."
TrekToday sources report that CBS president Les Moonves himself yesterday reached the decision to pull the plug on Enterprise. Most Enterprise crew members only found out about their show's cancellation this morning.
The as-yet-untitled series finale (to be written by series
killers creators Rick Berman and Brannon Braga) will air on May 13.
Posted by: mhking at
10:56 AM
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Post contains 288 words, total size 2 kb.
Posted by: TheRoyalFamily at February 02, 2005 02:00 PM (P8pYT)
Shoulda left it on Wednesday night.
Posted by: Samantha at February 02, 2005 03:07 PM (Ihkjb)
Those idiots set themselves up for a fall. They knew full well that they were going to be cometing with the top show the genre has ever seen, and they had the whole fall run of the first half of the season before they decided to use the numbers for the spring, when it was competing with Stargate, to decide to cancel the show.
It's too bad that there's not likely to be even a possibility of another network picking it up, since Paramount owns the network and the show. They really did fix every problem in the show which I never considered to be major problems anyway, thereby making a good show absolutely great. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season, knowing that it will be some of the best Trek ever. It's too bad they won't be able to continue it any further.
Posted by: Jeremy Pierce at February 02, 2005 03:23 PM (Ihkjb)
Hey I guess the freak show is at the top of Paramount Television chain of command when it comes to grading a television. The premature ending of Enterprise will send stocks to Paramount to an all time low thus probably making UPN Entertainment president Dawn Ostroff looking for a new job like in advertising for toddler shoes.
This person who decided to kill Enterprise sounds like a low brow geek that haven't been properly potty trained and lacks the necessary skills to judge a caricature or a series like Enterprise.
I hope a syndication like the Science Fiction Network or SI FI network take up syndication for Enterprise and make UPN Entertainment president Dawn Ostroff look like a tree swinging buffoon who doesn't deserve a seat on the board to tell the general public what to watch.
Well to me if this program ends I hope the Board of Directors at UPN can over rule the person Dawn Ostroff and send this person into making commercials for the toddler shoe industry because to me this is were this person belongs.
Posted by: nitemere at February 03, 2005 12:53 AM (+mXk3)
I wish I felt worse about this. The fact is I've only got real loyalty for the show because it's part of the franchise. As much as I despise bashers who complained about it (unlike DS9 and Voyager before it), I didn't find much I could use to defend this one against their harangue.
The time-travel follies and the failure to fill in the gaps in canon hurt bad; network mismanagement was as awful as we've seen since TOS was canceled. Just about the only thing it had going for it was exploration of the old TOS races like the Andorians and Tellarites. The possibility we'd see the Romulan War and the foundation of the Federation played out was only just coming back into range of my hopes.
C'est la vie. Trash it - along with the morons who've run the franchise into the ground - and start again with something else, something new.
Posted by: Chris at February 03, 2005 07:58 PM (9VCzx)
Hey, Maurice:
Two things. I'm a fan (as are most of my visitors; some more rabid than others). There's no need to insult fans.
Secondly, it's only a TV show. Get over it and go read a book. If the concepts of ST & SW bother you that much, go write your own books or make your own TV show.
Posted by: mhking at February 07, 2005 09:49 AM (CO/Uo)
I am not sorry to see this series go.
From the very start Enterprise has not followed the long established timelines and protocols (as STNG series & movies did not)set down by Stan & Fred Goldstein and approved by Gene Roddeenberry so long ago. The whole concept of Enterprise is wrong and too advanced compared to Kirk's Enterprise.
Why would a relatively primative race (humans)manage to solve problems that longer lived more intelligent and advanced species are not able to solve?
Intelligence is always better than brute force.
Personally I would have thought that the next logical series even before two other bad ones (DS9 & Voyager), should have been the adventures of Captain Sulu.
What was needed, was a new set of writers ones who did not rehash the worst original series scripts (and I can spot them as easily as any good TREKER can)
Let's just hope that Berman and Braga can get it right next time?
Not all blame should be heaped upon B&B, what bright spark at the network pits two science Fiction programmews against each other???
And why oh why put the series on on a friday evening, real people go out on the town on Friday and Sturday nights. Why do you think that Football and Hockey are on on Mondays?
So use some of the stuffing between your ears
programmes are best seen on Sunday's, Tuesdays, Wednesday's & Thursdays, and choose a time when other good series are not on so as not to compete,
and dont change the time and date from week to week, it's hard to follow a series when you dont know when it's going to be on, and dont show any repeates until all programmes in the series have been run once, There is nothing more annoying than having to watch repeats evey 6 weeks.
From what is read about network exec's you get the sense that programming is not that important.
Just the persuit of money at all costs.
Well am I right? if not say something, in fact voice your opinion loud and clear otherwise you will be stuck with "Reality" shows, Stupid Sit Coms, and Idol (IDLE) programmes for the rest of your viewing eternity
Posted by: bob budd at February 24, 2005 09:45 AM (bxOjK)
As even the Great Bird of the Galaxy would tell
you, from these ashes, a great new series will
emerge. "IDIC"...such is the diversity of life;
a fire will forever burn with the beliefs Gene
R. espoused. Thus, fans keep faith...and
keep watch. Even now there are new fires
burning! How could there not be???
Please advise.
thanks, so much, for allowing me to give
expression herein.
As in "TIN MAN" (STTNG), I have such a great
EMPATHY that not only could I relate to
The Star Trek Experience...I could work there!
So...my understanding is as follows...
No matter what 'kind' of series is on...
wherever (cable, satellite, et al) the
Truth of what Star Trek shares with all its
fans is this: Exploration. The more space/science
fiction teaches us about the Universe, it
teaches all of us about the universal potential
in each of us!
WE can grow, explore...learn..and thus
fulfill our lives, our dreams..for ourselves
and those around us.
Maybe this is a test of character for the
fans. If they see it so, then growth will
surely come.
And in the Industry of Paramount Television,
all I can say is,
if they can't see all their inherent
possibilities...I'd be happy to Enlighten
Dave S. (and 'Freya', the wonderful, black,
smart, lovie girl cat, 4.5 years and
very, very Empathic as well. Boy, does
that ever help. She always tells me the
Truth...sooooooooooooo good!).
Posted by: dave at May 02, 2005 08:53 PM (HxXmj)
I just watched the final episode of Enterprise. What a disappointment! Was this an episode about the NX-01 Enterprise or about William Ryker and Deanna Troi?
It did very little to bring closure to the series, and to the characters within the series. What of Archer's distiny? Why didn't Trip and T'Pol get [or stay] together? Did Hoshi return to Brazil? What of the Federation Charter.
I suppose we will be subjected to a slew of dime store novels speculating on the final outcome for each of the characters.
As for this sereies, Good Riddence! In my opinion, Rick Berman and Brandon Braga have sullied Gene Roddenberry's original vision. Majel Barrett and the Roddenberry family should disassociate the Roddenberry name from anything connected to the Enterprise series.
Bob V.
St. Catharines, ON. Canada
Posted by: Bob at May 13, 2005 05:28 PM (DfwZS)
Hmmm. I am completely saddened by the fact that Star Trek is gone for what appears to be good..
I sit here wondering when the next realistic portrayal of Science Faction will be aired. Roddenberry was a thoughtful visionary, and while the ENTERPRISE show may not have been as good as the original or Voyager it was still better than one hundred percent of all other SciFi pretenders.
I suppose I can go back to carousing and cavorting on friday nights again..
But it will not be the same as the rare nights I sacrificed a show I truly loves to do it..
Please if anyone reads this that has any say in anything hurry up with whatever is next.
Posted by: James Woody at May 15, 2005 09:28 AM (HaugC)
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